Chapter 20

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3 weeks later

Jades POV

We were sitting on the plane and most students were sleeping because it was 2 in the morning or they were sharing headphones with their friends. I was sat between Jesy and Perrie. I smiled at the fact Perrie was asleep on my shoulder while I was reading. My glasses falling down my nose so I pushed them up a little. I was reading the fault in our stars, yes I have read it many times before but I love it so much I can read it over and over again. Leigh was sitting with her headphones in while Jesy was asleep.

"Miss?" One of the girls behind us yawned.

"Hang on" I whispered moving perries head gently off my shoulder, she stirred and tuned her body the opposite way. I put the bookmark in to keep my place. I kneeled on my seat peering over my seat at Jennifer, one of mine and Jesys students. "What's up?"

"How long until we land?" I leaned over to look at the time on Leigh's phone as she had drifted off.

"About 45 minutes, you okay?"

"Yeah just I don't like sleeping on planes" she yawned.

"Yeah I know how you feel, I'm the same" I took my hair out to tie it into a loose bun. "Anyways one of us has to stay awake to make sure you lot are alright"

"I thought Miss Pinnock was awake?"

"Not anymore, she's got her headphones in, Miss Nelson's asleep on her, and Miss Edwards fell asleep on me but I moved her before" I chuckled lightly.

"Is everyone else asleep too?" She asked.

"Almost, some have headphones in" I looked around.

"So what you doing?" She asked politely.

"Reading, how about you?" I asked wanting to keep a conversation going, as my eyes were hurting from reading.

"Playing games on my phone, but it died" she sighed

"I have a portable charger if you want to borrow it?" I smiled.

"Yeah please, if you don't mind"

"Not at all" I went in my bag and pulled out the little pink travel charger I've had for the last year. "Here you go" I passed it to her across the seat.

"Thanks miss" she smiled plugging it in "do you have just about everything in your bag" she laughed.

"Probably. But someone always needs that during a flight or any journey" we laughed.

"You've got that right"

"Babe who you talking to? Go back to sleep it's early" perrie groaned next to me. I looked down at her.

"Jennifer and I can't sleep. Go back to sleep, your tired" I brushed through her hair with my fingers.

"Okay poopey" she yawned, going back to sleep.

"Miss?" One of the boys called from a few rows back. I stood up pulling my leggings up a bit and walking down the isle to his seat.

"Everything alright?" I asked pulling my jumper sleeve down over my hand.

"Have you got any paracetamol? I don't feel too good?" Jake, one of my students asked.

"Yeah I'll go get some" I walked back up to go in my bag getting the little grey packet things that the tables come in. I picked up a spare bottle of water just incase.

"Thanks miss" he said as he took them, handing the rest back to me.

"Not long now at least, you may feel a little better then" I smiled going back to my seat. I sat down and perrie immediately got her head comfy on my shoulder again. So I leaned my head on hers, turning my body so she would be more comfy. I picked up my book again, getting lost in it for the remainder of the flight. The stewardess came over to me.

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