Chapter sixteen : Fancy dress party

Start from the beginning

"Well let's go you guys!" Cana cheered probably ready to make a bee line to the bar.

Everyone opened the doors and walked up a set of stairs the music getting louder after each step.

Cana pushed open a pair of double doors and then swooshed off to the bar.

The girls gaped at all the people. Music boomed through speakers, wizards were all around dancing or having a drink, Levy gulped this really wasn't her scene her thoughts began to trail off to a book but then Mira and Lisanna came over to them.

"You all look amazing!" Lisanna shouted over the music. Lisanna was dressed as Storm from x-men and Mira was dressed as a zombie.

"Thanks so do you guys!" Juvia replied.

"Well come on let's have some fun!" Mira then walked off everyone following her.

Levy looked around at all the people dancing she tried to look for Jet or Droy or even Gajeel anyone but the smoke was getting in the way she couldn't make out people's faces. The music was so loud and was getting on her nerves.

Levy inside slapped herself no stop have some fun and let loose!

Mira stopped at a space and everyone did the same. Then just like that everyone started to dance and have fun. 

Levy looked at all the girls and how happy they looked and hated herself for not being as happy about this. She danced with them trying to enjoy herself but it just wasn't working for her. She wondered where all the guys where and had a feeling the others were wondering that too.

"Where are the boys?" Lucy asked.

Lisanna shrugged "no idea we couldn't see them with so many people here."

Someone tapped Lucy's shoulder she spun round and saw Sherry dressed as a cat. "Hi Lucy." Sherry smiled Lucy had a feeling she was thinking about how cuter she was.

Lucy smiled "hey Sherry what's up?"

"Well I heard you asking where the guys were they're somewhere near the bar just follow me Ren is there with them anyway." Sherry spun round and weaved through the crowd everyone else following her.

They reached the bar and saw Cana with a barrel of alcohol and Macao and Wakaba chatting to her.

Lucy spotted all the guys talking so they all walked up to them.

Natsu was dressed as Harry Potter, Gray was Jack Sparrow, Gajeel was also a zombie like Mira, Jellal was Indiana Jones, Romeo was Wolverine, Elfman was Aragorn. 

Juvia walked over to Gray giving him a quick kiss "you look great!" Juvia smiled.

"So do you I love the dress." Gray smiled back.

Erza and Jellal complimented each others costumes too and then the four couples went off and danced together.

Levy sighed she really didn't feel comfortable being here.

"What's wrong shrimp?"

Levy looked up at Gajeel "Nothing, nothing at all, nice costume by the way."

Gajeel gave a questioning look like he didn't believe her "thanks you too Ramona."

Levy smiled feeling a little bit happier that he got her costume.

Blue Pegasus came over to them all and Sherry was there with Ren too. Lucy smiled "nice costumes!"

Hibiki was dressed as Sherlock Holmes, Eve was Prince Charming making Lucy roll her eyes, Ren was a soldier, Helen was nurse and Ichiya was superman.

Hibiki smiled "thanks you too."

"Sniff sniff." Ichiya sniffed "Miss Lucy your parfum is beautiful today it was as if fate were to put us-" He went to take her hand but Lucy kicked him sending him flying to the other side of the dance floor.

"Boss!" Blue Pegasus ran of towards him as Lucy face palmed.

Mira fist pumped "right let's have some fun!"

Everyone cheered and whooped going to the dance floor, Levy gave an unenthusiastic yay and followed not noticing Gajeel watching her sulking...


There was chapter sixteen! I hope you enjoyed it! I think I'm going to try make the fancy dress party 2 more chapters for you all.

I will have chapter seventeen up for you all next week!

Thank you for 700 reads! I love you all!


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