Babe # 2

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The next morning,
She had been contractioning for 18 hours, no progress what so ever. It's around 8 am, and the Brady Bunch come down the stairs to find Echo leaning on the recliner part of the couch looking like she's dying. Dean helps her up, she just kinda falls into him. Then he seemed to know where this was going so he took her to the restroom. She then doubled over at the next contraction. Everything remaining the same. She goes back to the living room, and Sam has out three coffee cups, all filled with coffee. He hands one to Dean and Echo. Echo had hated coffee before pregnancy, but now she relied on it. She was rolling on her little ball, slowly sipping the cup of coffee. Braxton is laying on the floor on a blanket looking at everyone. Laura then runs around missing the baby's hand by inches. "Laura! You've gotta be careful, you can't run around the baby," Dean scolds. Laura start crying and walks to Echo, burrying her face in Echo's back. Dean sighs. "Dean can you call Rowena for me please," Echo says desperately, rubbing her taint skinned belly. Dean nods, and Rowena appears out of thin air immediately. She says hi, and then she sees Braxton. She picks him up then turns to Echo to congratulate, but she still looked very pregnant. "Who's babe is this, she asked confused." "That's Braxton, he's mine, he was born yesterday," Sam said smiling. Rowena put the little thing to her chest, he snuggled up immediately. "He is so tiny," she said in aww. "He was born very prematureeellly," Echo starts to close her eyes and control her breathing. She placed her hands on the top and bottom of her bump. "So I'm guessing you're in labour?" Rowena asks. Echo nods. Rowena carefully places Braxton back on his blanket. Somehow about 22 hours later, Laura is sitting on the ball moving her hips back and forth. Dean decides to pray to Castiel who shows up immediately. He gave a confused look, then suddenly seemed to realize what was going on. "We need to get her up to her room." Echo looked up pleadingly. "Can I please have a waterbirth, this is just unbearable." Castiel looks up at Dean who just nods in agreement, and Castiel gently lifts her out of the ball. She falls into him, then manages to grasp her balance. She walks slowly and had to breathe through to contractions, white knuckling Dean's hand in the process. She then sucessfully waddles herself to the bathroom. She puts on a sports bra, and removes the rest of her clothing. Dean and Castiel help maneveur her into the tub. 2 hours later. The huge tub was filled about 1.5 feet up with water. Sam was watching the kids. Echo had her head laying on the side of the tub breathing through a contraction, her water hadn't broken yet, and her contractions were 3 minutes apart. Rowena was holding her hand, and whispering little nothings in her ear. Castiel was leaned over the tub rubbing Echo's hips and back to help with the pressure. He stopped. Dean was sitting on the floor. Echo screamed through the next contraction then collasped, she was so damn tired. Castiel felt her cervix, you're 8 centimeter dilated, once your water breaks you should be able to push. Echo looks up at Castiel beggingly," Please break my water." Castiel nodded ok, and they helped her up, as soon as her feet hit the floor, a gush of water fell on the floor. She quickly stepped back into the bathtub. She sat down then felt pressure so bad she moaned in agony. Castiel checked her again, you're still eight. She placed her head on the tub. She breathed through another contraction. She then felt even more pressure. "I getting torn in two," she started crying, it hurts. Dean rubbed her back," I know it hurts, just power through it, you're so close." Echo nodded then gradually turned around. Dean took Rowena's place. Echo's back was now laying against the tub, and Dean was trying to help her stay up. Her hands rubbed against her abdomen. Castiel checked again," When I start counting, you push till I get to one." Echo nodded, suddenly another contraction over took her, she started pushing. She was tired though, so the push didnt get her very far. The process was repeated twice. She then got to the biggest part of the baby's head. "Please give me a big push." Echo nodded loud screaming sobs filling the place as she pushed. The head was out, and luckily the umbilical cord was not wrapped. As instructed by Castiel she breathed through the next contraction, after what seemed like hours later she heard one last push, and the baby came flying down, and it was caught by Castiel. It's cry filled the place along with Echo's she collasped, falling back into the tub. The baby was handed off to Rowena who started cleaning and drying it. Echo suddenly passed out, and Dean caught her head. The bath water suddenly turned red. Dean looked up alarmed, Castiel sighed, "She ripped but I should be able to heal it." He did then they both gently hoisted her out of the tub. Castiel picked her up and brought her upstairs, cleaned her, then dressed her.

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