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5 weeks later. Sam and Echo were in Echo's room watching the Golden Girls. Echo was way over due, and she just wanted the baby out, she would've thought she was having a miscarriage except for the fact that it was constantly kicking and keeping her up and irritable, and Castiel constantly telling her this was common in first time pregnancies. She's done research and 43 weeks was pushing limits. Sam on the other hand was 34 weeks pregnant and barely showing he had the slightest buldge and he had had no pregnancy symptoms other then throwing up in the first trimester. He would sometimes get kicks her and there but it was never uncomfortable or kept him awake at night. Echo was rolling in her chair in front of the tv while Sam sat on the bed Indian style. It was a Saturday and Dean and Laura were still asleep. Sam got up and went to the bathroom, he had felt a pain in his power back but he shook it off like it was nothing. He continued and not even ten minutes later the pain had shifted to his lower abdomen. He got up and went to Dean's room.
Dean was still asleep so he just casually went back to Echo's room and was gonna wait for Dean to come. Ten minutes later he feels another pain and as if Laura could read minds you suddenly hear her violently shaking her crib and 'talking' to let her daddy know she was awkake. Dean walked in and you could her through the open door 'morning princess' and the creaking in Dean picking her up. Dean walked into Echo's room to find them still watching Golden Girls but Sam's brows furrowed into a worried face. "Sammy something wrong?" "It's probably nothing." "Sammy?" I just felt a lower back pain earlier, then I had another ten minutes later, then I had another one like as soon as Laura woke up. Echo chimed in "I think you're in labour." "It's to early," Sam said groaning." Echo grabbed her belly," At least it's not to late." "We don't even know you're in labour." "I believe he is, those back pains are typically starter contractions, and Braxton hicks don't cover that much area." Dean bowed his head. Suddenly Cas appeared. "Hello Dean, hello Sam, hello Echo, and Hello Laura. They all replied hey in unison, and Laura cooed. Suddenly Sam kinda flinched, and Dean assumed he was only having another contraction. Sam looked at his watch," The last one was eight minutes ago." Castiel looked concerned. "Sam are you in labour." "I'm hoping not." "He felt a weird back pains and her having pains every ten minutes except now they're down to eight." "Sam it sounds like you're in labour." "Damn, lucky." "Language!" Dean said warningly. Echo getting kinda hurt by that caught her eyes starting to water, then she couldn't control it, then she started crying. "I'm sorry, I know you're stressed, but you just need to watch your language," Dean said really gently. Suddenly Sam flinched again, and water gushed on Echo's floor. "It's too soon," Sam said groaning. "It seems to be coming fast, that one was five minutes. "Let's take him to his room." Sam calmly slid off the bed and went to his room not even waddling. Echo stayed in her room knowing she wasn't mobile, and Dean had left Laura with her. The 41 week old was making her way to Laura. "Choooo," she squealed. Echo laughed.

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