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10 weeks later... ''Come on, please!'' Dean whispered trying to force his pants to button together. He was 20 weeks pregnant, and he was showing considerably. He gave up after a few failed attempts and ended up walking out of the motel bathroom in a pair of barely used sweat pants and a black t-shirt that was stretched out slightly at the belly. Sam gave a look causing Dean to blush embarrassed. He walked to the mini fridge and grabbed a beer and popped the top, and went to take a sip. ''Dean,'' Sam said warningly right before Dean made the bottle touch his lips.'' He lowered the bottle. ''What?'' he questioned irritably. ''You can't drink that.'' ''Why not?'' Dean said placing one hand on his hips, and putting the bottle down to place his other hand on his stomach. ''My morning sickness is quite rare now, and I have a craving for one.'' ''Pregnant women can't drink alcohol, studies show it can lead to birth defects.'' Dean sighed,'' Next you'll be telling me I can't drink coffee.'' Sam smirked,'' You can drink coffee, but only two small cups a day.'' ''What am I supposed to drink?'' Dean asked confused. ''Soda is also a no, except maybe a ginger ale here or there, water is a big yes, and maybe smoothies and such. We gotta try to keep your caffeine intake and sugar intake down,'' Sam said simply. ''You've basically been just drinking water, and the little bit of coffee you could manage in fear of morning sickness.'' Dean nodded,'' That explains why our cooler was over filled with water bottles.'' Sam chuckled,'' Yeah.'' Dean passed Sam the beer and went towards the coffee maker,'' At least I still have you.'' It turns out they were on a vengeful spirit hunt, and long story short, before they burned the bones, Dean ended up getting thrown against a wall. He feels a searing pain take over his lower back and around his stomach. ''SON OF A BITCH,'' he screams. Sam quickly throws a match in the bones and runs to Dean. He sees a little blood patch around Dean's crotch are. ''Shit!'' he whispers. He sends a prayer to Castiel, who quickly appears beside the boys. He touches both their foreheads zapping them into the bunker. Him and Sam place Dean on a couch, he was currently unconscious. Castiel touched Dean's forehead again causing him to whimper in his sleep. He turned to Sam, he went into premature labor, but it's way to early for him to have the baby, so I stopped it. His recovery might be extremely painful though.'' Sam nodded,'' Thanks Cas.'' ''Anytime,'' Cas said disappearing. A FEW HOURS LATER: Dean had woken up to find nearly every move he made sent a pain through his body. Sam had explained about the premature labor and Castiel. "We're not hunting again till you have this baby. Sam got a moan from Dean in return.

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