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2 weeks later. Sam groaned he woke up feeling nauseous. He didn't get out of bed till around ten. When Dean left for work since Echo really couldn't sleep or get comfortable, she told Dean she'd watch Laura downstairs. She was 18 weeks pregnant, and according to her she was huge. She was now noticeably pregnant, and she could eat almost anything now, heck she'd had a few weird cravings, but she would occasionally turn her nose at a smell, or throw up in the mornings. Her blood pressure and headaches where still there, but everyone kept a very close eye on her. Sam walked in the room around 10:15 looking like big foot. Echo let out a laugh, and Echo started jabbering away. Sam flashed a dirty look then he covered his mouth and dashed off. Echo grabbed Laura and followed him several paces behind. She found him in the bathroom throwing up. She put Echo down, and put Sam's hair up partially, but then she started to get nauseous from the smell of throw up. She ran to the kitchen and started throwing up into the trash can. Her hair was already up, since she started living in scrunchies. Her vomiting was short lived so she found her self able to get back to Laura. Sam was standing up leaning against the door frame, trying to catch his breath. Echo cautiously walked behind him and started rubbing his back, Laura was sitting up watching with curiosity. When Sam looked up, his face looked sickly pale. Echo stood on her tip toes attempting to reach his forehead. "You don't have a fever, go brush your teeth, then go take some of my stomach soothing medicine," the teen said taking the situation under control. Sam nodded and Echo picked up Laura and walked upstairs so she could brush her teeth herself. The whole week the same thing would happen to Sam and after day three they knew it wasn't the stomach bug. When Castiel showed up to deal with Echo, Dean asked him to check on Sam. Castiel went on to Sam's bedroom.  Sam was laying over the covers presumably asleep. Castiel sat on the bed and Sam jumped up. He saw Cas and relaxed. Castiel leaned foward and touched his forehead. He quickly found the source of the problem. He withdrew his hand," You're 9 weeks pregnant Sam." Sam started laughing," Your kidding?" "I typically don't kid about health." "How could I be pregnant, if I haven't been sexually active." "It has the feel of a spell." Sam thought back then he realized that Castiel wasn't kidding.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Echo's belly look like the one up top. Also I kinda added the new protagonist, Echo, so it would give me the possibility to add some of the original characters, get rid of my crippling writers block, and keep the plot going cause I'm trying new things.

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