Young Winchesters

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Later that afternoon. Sam hadn't told anyone yet, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity. He knew they were gonna be excited, but he was kinda embarrassed. He couldn't believe that him and his brother had both been pregnant, it was ironic. They were all sitting in the kitchen eating grilled chicken, with bakes potatoes, and corn, something Echo and Dean had decided to make. Laura was lying on a mat having just been fed. Sam ate a few bites of his food, but basically he pushed it around his plate. He dropped his fork loudly on his plate which got Echo and Dean's attention. "I'm pregnant," he said straight faced. Dean face lit up," Are you serious?" Sam nodded yes. "How?" Echo said curiously. Sam sighed," Those witches that had you in captivity, one of them put a spell on me and I guess now we're gonna have three kids running around. Echo smiled. "I'm 9 weeks according to Cas so I've still got a while." Echo laughed," I'm 18 weeks, and I've still got a while." Laura cooed. Dean stood up and started taking everyone's plates to the sink. Laura slid down from the stool and picked up Echo. She scooped her up and she was heading to the nursery. Sam followed behind her leaving Dean to do the dishes. Echo placed Laura in her changing table. She found her a warm onesie. She changed her wet diaper and put the light purple onesie on the baby. She then scooped her up and sat down in the rocking chair craddling her. Sam sat down on the floor watching Echo. After a minute Laura drifted off. Echo continued to craddle her. Dean walked into the nursery. He grabbed the sleeping Laura from Echo and carefully placed her in the crib. Dean sat on the floor next to Sam. He looked up at Echo,"I was thinking imstead of having multiple nurseries we just use this one. Until we think they're old enough to have their own room. When Sam gets done with his online schooling and we have the money, the plan should be for us to get a bigger house, maybe even in a different state." Sam and Echo nodded in agreement. "Also we probably won't have to get any new baby clothes considering Laura hasn't even got to wear every onesie." Sam and Echo nodded in agreement with them. "I've been thinking about it, and my parents were crap, y'all are better parents than they will ever be, and I don't connect with my last name, I was wondering if you'd consider letting me give my baby the last name Winchester," Echo said shyly. In unision Sam and Dean went,"Of course." Echo blushed and uttered a thank you.

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