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''Dean, you need to eat something, it's not just you anymore.'' It was around lunch time that same day, and the shock that Dean was actually pregnant left shock in the air. ''God Sam, I don't need you mother henning me. What's the point in eating anyway if it won't stay down?'' Dean said the irritation clear in his voice.'' ''There has got to be something you can keep down,'' Sam said trying not to irritate Dean any farther. Dean just rolled his eyes and put his head in his hands. The room was silent for a minute,'' I want a waffle,'' Dean said looking at Castiel and Sam with pleading eyes. Next thing you know Cas vanished then came back in less than a minute with a plate covered in waffles. Dean had successfully eaten 5 waffles (that wasn't even his record), but he stayed away from syrup the thought making him nauseous. He looked a lot better after he'd eaten. All 3 of the boys continued to sit at the table. Dean had retrieved his laptop and started searching for another hunt, the thought of looking up pregnancy symptoms crossed his mind, but he decided better of it and continued looking for anything supernatural related. ''Dean we can't continue ignoring the elephant in the room,'' Sam said warningly. ''I don't know why there's an elephant in the room,'' Dean said distractedly. ''I'm having the baby, and I'm gonna keep it. Simple as that.'' ''Dean, I believe carrying a child, giving birth to it, and taking care of it isn't as simple as you think,'' Castiel said straight forward. '' ''Whatever,'' Dean said giving a fake smile. Castiel started naming pregnancy symptoms,'' Tender, swollen breasts, hormonal changes, increased urination, fatigue, food aversions or cra-,'' ''Cas, that's enough,'' Dean said irritable. ''Dean, Cas is right, and this is just the basics. I want to keep the baby as much as you do, but you're going to have to alter your life for 6 1/2 months, plus the healing period. We don't even know how this is gonna go. Maybe the bunker's library has information about this.'' Dean sighed,'' Ok, I get it, but you're overreacting, I mean how hard can this pregnancy thing be.''

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