Crying Girl

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When Sam and Garth had gotten to the bunker, the girl has woken up, but was crying in the backseat. Sam had tried to console her telling her she was gonna be fine, but she just started crying harder. So the girl didn't bolt off or anything, Sam picked her back up carrying her bridal style, instead of the girl fighting back, she grabbed the front of Sam's jacket and continued to cry into it. When they got inside the bunker, Sam had attempted to put her down, but she would just grib harder,and attempt to hold on, Sam sighed and sat down in a chair holding/consoling the crying teenager. Garth, Dean, and Charlie watched this fold out. They remained quiet till the girls crying stopped and was replaced with even breathing. As if Sam had experience, he carefully stood up, walked her to the nearest couch, and expertly put her down, then placed a blanket over her. He walked over to his group of people. "Where's Laura?" "Upstairs asleep," Charlie said with a big smile. "Garth, if you'd like, we have a nice big shower over there," Dean said pointing to the room that was the bathroom. Garth thanked him, then went and grabbed his clothes. Sam kept close eye on the sleeping girl, then suddenly Laura started crying, which woke the teen up, she sat up all tensed, then slowly untensed as she looked at her surroundings. Sam walked over to her," Are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat?" The girl slowly nodded her head yes, then when Sam started to walk away, she followed him into the kitchen. Dean had went to go get Laura, and Charlie was watching Sam and the girl. The girl was sitting on a kitchen stool, watching Sam with fascination. Sam was making her some ramen noodles, he figured everyone loved those. When he was done he stirred the shrimp flavored packet in, and placed it in front of the girl. She smiled when she first saw it, then she took a whiff she started going green. She didn't know where the bathroom was, but she knew where the trash can was. Luckily it  was empty. She grabbed both sides of it and started projectile vomiting. Charlie was watching from the door way, which was by the trash can, and she quickly swooped in and grabbed the poor girls dirty tangled hair, pulling it back from her face. Charlie started rubbing her back, after the girl had subsided Charlie walked off upstairs to grab the young girl some clothes. "Why don't you get a bath," Sam said gently to the young girl that was still rather green in the face. She nodded meekly, and Sam led  her to the bathroom. Garth was sitting at the table, in new clean clothes. Sam motioned him over, "Garth if you'd like there are some shrimp ramen noodles on the kitchen counter you can eat." Garth nodded and made his way to the kitchen. Garth had noticed the rachid smell of vomit engulfed the place, so he grabbed his noodles and went back to the sitting room. Charlie had came back down with some of her clothes and pushed Sam out of the bathroom, and closed the door so she could give the girl a bath. Sam decided to take the vomit filled garbage out, then he went and sat in the sitting room with Garth.

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