Trapped/You're Just Like Her

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 I'm officially stuck. Being a swan was already a problem but I had gotten used to it. Now I was a swan and I was trapped in a cage. I felt like a caged bird. For Voltron's sake I am a caged bird! Lotor had changed my curse. Now I was a swan day and night. He was also apparently a stalker. He had been watching. He had seen Lance come and had heard our conversation. What would be easier is if the mice would suck it up and swim. Sure water is scary and they're small but I'm out here trapped in a cage. They act all strong and mighty then chicken out when I really need them. I'm a bird, I'm trapped, I'm exhausted, and someone is going to steal my fiance. I'd say I've hit an all time low.


It's the day! All morning people have been running around setting up. I'm excited and nervous. People may not know it yet, but I'm getting married today. Let's just hope he shows.

"Lance, I want answers. Now."

Allura's voice comes from behind. I whirl around to see her glaring at me.

"A-Allura! H- hey!"

She points at me threateningly.

"You may be able to push father around but you can't push me."

"I don't-"


She warns.

"I'm your older sister. I can make your life more miserable than it already is."

"My life's not miserable!"

"I beg to differ. You offended your fiance causing a war."

"I didn't cause the war!"

"No. But you continued it."

"For your information the war will end tonight."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

"The only way that could happen is if you find and marry or return Lady Nexera's son. Oh wait! He got kidnapped because of you! Do you seriously think some last minute party will fix that?!"

"I know that! Okay?!"

I yell back at her.

"You don't have to rub all my mistakes in my face! I get it! Okay?! I'm a crappy fiance and a crappy Prince! I can't do anything right and I'm trying to fix that Allura! I am! Okay?! I wish for a second you could just understand! You and Anora are perfect! You can do everything right and I can't! But tonight I was going to fix that! I was going to end the war because I found him! I found him and I love him! "

I shout the last words at her and wait. There's no answer and I look up at her. Her face is a mix of shock and sympathy.

"I don't need you to feel bad for me. You can go."

She shakes her head and her face turns determined.

"You should have talked to me."

"Your not really my go to person."

"Well I should be. I'm here for you Lance. I didn't know you felt that way and I'm sorry for pushing you."

"It doesn't matter."

"It does."

She grabs my chin and forces my face up to lock eyes with me.

"Your insecurities are very important. You're very important. I know you were young when mom died. You probably don't remember her that well. Do you?"

I shake my head as best I can in her grip.

"You're a lot like her. Same personality and attitude. We were all young when she died but I can remember her voice and how she would dress and do her hair. I remember how she would sneak out to the garden all the time. She would take us with her. It was always late at night while father was sleeping. She would come and get us from our rooms. I remember following after her. She had you propped on her hip and when she was pregnant with Anora she would give you to me. We would sneak out the back. There was this little spot under the moons with flowers and a stream. We would sit there for hours. Eventually we would doze off and she would bring us back. Father never caught us but I'm pretty sure he knew. You loved the grass and the water. Whenever we went out there you would find your way there. She liked the water too. She would dip her feet in and watch us play."

Allura continues on, lost in thought.

"You know your hair color is from her. Your eyes too."

She looks at me and I can see the tears she's trying to hide.

"Everytime I look at you I see her. Her hair wasn't always brown of course. She only had it that color when she was alone with us at night. When we would go out her hair would fade from white to the same brown yours is. It was so pretty to watch. She was beautiful."


I whisper. She seems to come back to reality and drops her hand.

"I'm sorry."

She says quietly.

"I thought you should know."

"Thank you."

She nods.

"We should go."

Instead of turning she grabs me in a tight hug.

"I love you."

I pause for a second before replying.

"I love you too."

She pulls back and kisses the top of my head before ruffling my hair.

"Go get ready and I'll see you at the party."


She smiles and I smile back.


The ball is coming up and I'm still stuck. The mice have tried and failed to save me. If they would just man up and swim they could chew through the vines. But no. They instead try to make rafts and try a sad excuse for a doggy paddle. It's pathetic really. Time is running out and I'm worried for what Lotor has planned. I need to get out. Quickly.

The Turned Prince (Swan Princess AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя