Pointless Is No Way to Think

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 I woke up to the sound of mice talking. There was slight pushing on my side and I stretched out my neck before looking at them. One was pushing me and the others were chattering among themselves.

"Finally you're awake! The moons about to hit the pond!"

My head shot up and I noticed the mouse was right.

"What are you waiting for! The last plan didn't work! Maybe you being normal again will help! Maybe you can find someone!"

I quickly got up and ruffled my feathers back into place before taking off and flying into the pond. I landed with a few flaps on the center and stayed there waiting. When the moon's shadow cast over in front of me the water started to ripple in response. Pastel colors went swirling around me again and when they were gone everything was small again. I looked down and held my hand in front of me. My pale skin glowed in the light and I let out a sigh of relief. It worked. It really worked. I was normal again. I concentrated and my hand slowly turned purple before reverting back to the pale color it was before. I wadded out of the water and stopped in front of the mice. They were all clapping.

"Yeah! It worked!"

"It may have worked but that doesn't mean i'll be able to escape. I have no idea where I am."

"We did some research while you were sleeping. We have an idea of where we are. We think this is the old castle that belonged to Zarkon when him and Honerva would stay. I think that's why he chose this place."

"How far is that from the castle of lions?"

"It might take a while on foot. On horse probably about 12 minutes."

"How long walking?"

"About 25."


"It'd be around 13 or 14 if you flew. Maybe even less. It depends on how fast of a flyer you are."

"He could literally be here in 12 minutes."

"He doesn't know where you are. I'm sure he'd be here if he knew."


"You could try walking."

"I am not walking 25 minutes just to turn back into a freaking bird."

"That makes sense. But it'd be until sunset until you turned back. Maybe he could declare his love to you by then."

"What if he actually doesn't love me?"

"Don't listen to Lotor! He's jealous and clearly lying!"

I sigh.

"This is so stupid and pointless."

"You can't give up!"

One mouse says quickly.

"You have hours before you turn back into a swan. You'll definitely have enough time."

I look down at my hands.

"How do we know that Lotor isn't watching?"

"We don't."

"So if I leave there's a good probability he'll find me."

"We'll stop him."

"No offense but you guys are very small. It'll take nothing for him to kill you."

They all look at me silently before one speaks up.

"Okay, rude. Just because we're small doesn't mean we can't distract him."

I sigh.

"We'll talk about it later. I need some time alone to think."

The mice don't respond as I walk away. I look around and take in the scenery. The place is beautiful aside from the fact that I'm trapped here. I walk across a small bridge and sit under a tree. Why can't things just be normal? Lotor probably still would've attacked but at least I'd know that I would be saved. After all the fights Lance and I had then this. I blew him off and walked away. I'd understand why he wouldn't come after me but I can't help but hope.

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