Compatibility Is For Lovers

Start from the beginning

Ryan looks back up to the teacher, fighting off a smile.

The lunch table Ryan sits at is so full that most the people who sit there have to drag chairs from other tables just to have a spot to sit. Most days they get in trouble for it and a teacher forces over half of them to move to other tables.

“Sooo,” Pete drags out the word. “What’s everybody doing for Valentine's?”

“Me and Cass are gunna go watch a movie.” Vicky speaks up first, looking up from the phone she hides under the table.

“Hey, I was gunna watch something with Frank. We should double.” Gerard says to her. She smiles and nods as they make their plans.

The whole table shares what they’re doing; Spencer’s going out with Linda, Jon’s working then hanging out with Cassie. Pete is going to force Patrick to hang out with him, Gabe and Erin and going to dinner. The entire table has plans and Ryan just kinda wants to turn invisible.

“Ryan, what are you doing?” Gabe asks him.

“Nothing.” Ryan shrugs, feeling everyone’s eyes on him. “Probably just gunna hang out with Brendon.” Who isn’t at the lunch table at the moment, Brendon spilled Gatorade all over his shirt earlier and decided to go home to change during lunch.

Everyone nods and ‘oh’s, then turn back to their own conversations. Spencer and Jon continue to look at Ryan, though.

“As friends, Jesus.” Ryan insists. So what if Ryan used to have a crush on Brendon in their Freshmen year. Emphasis on ‘used to.’

“Alright, just promise me you’ll use protection. I’m too young to be a grandmother.” Spencer says while opening a bag of Chex Mix.

“You just called yourself my mom for the sake of a joke.” Ryan stares at Spencer confused, Jon barks out a laugh beside them.

“It was worth it.” Spencer smiles, Ryan glares back at him.

“Oh, fuck me. When did you get so good at this?” Brendon complains after losing another round of Halo.

“I’ve always been good. You’re just getting worse.”

“Yeah right. I bet you’ve been practicing just to beat me.” He accuses Ryan. Rolling his eyes, Ryan goes to un-pause the game before Brendon says, “Wait.” Ryan turns to Brendon, they’re both laying flat on their stomachs, heads at the foot of the bed. Brendon gets up and goes to where his coat lies by the bedroom door. He comes back with two envelopes.

“What are those?” Ryan asks, sitting up. Brendon sits back down and hands Ryan an envelope with his name on it.

“So I know we said that the compatibility tests are lame. But I thought at the least, we could laugh at our results.” Brendon explains. Ryan looks back down at the envelope, his name written in cursive on the front.

“I don’t care about a bu-” Ryan starts with the same thing he told Spencer on Friday, until Brendon cuts him off.

“A bunch of girls you’re blah blah blah. Yeah I know. That’s why I got the list of guys you’re compatible to.” Brendon smiles sweetly. Ryan just stares. “C’mon Ry, it’ll be hilarious.” Brendon sticks out his bottom lip slightly and Ryan caves.

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