Chapter 15: "Twilight...I am a vampire"

Start from the beginning

Sunset made some popcorn before she headed back to the living room. She handed Twilight the popcorn as she went to put the movie in.

"Okay, now let's eat," said Sunset.

She sat at the other end of the couch, the popcorn bowl in between her and Twilight.

Meanwhile, Filthy Rich parked his car a few houses away from Sunset's. He ran into the back alleyway that led to Sunset's house. Once he got there, he found that the back door, which led right into the basement, was open.

He scanned the surrounding area for any bypassers that may see him sneak in. Seeing no one, he walked in. He closed the doors behind him. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the complete darkness.

He walked around the basement. He found the freezers which held the animal blood that Sunset and Starlight drank. He gagged as he opened the freezer.

"How can they fathom stuffing that... that junk down their throats?!" shouted Filthy Rich in a hushed voice.

He closed the freezer. He looked around and spotted a nice spot for him to hide. He sat behind a large, wooden trunk. He figured that it was Starlight's. He made sure to keep himself hidden.

He looked at his watch. He noted that the time was 8:15 pm.

"In two hours, I will be able to get my revenge." thought Filthy Rich.

An hour passed as Sunset and Twilight watched the movie. Sunset looked at her phone. She saw that the time was 9:15 pm.

"In a few minutes, I going to have to feed." thought Sunset.

She looked at Twilight. She was glad that Twilight was enjoying the movie. She reached for more popcorn. As she did, her hand touched Twilight's.

She pulled her hand away.

"S-sorry, Twi. I know that made you uncomfortable." apologized Sunset.

Twilight didn't say anything. She wasn't sure what to say. She wanted to speak but her mouth was dry.

Sunset felt her stomach turn. She bent down, holding her abdomen.

"Ah! The pain. I have to feed. Now!" thought Sunset.

She glanced at Twilight. She could see the concern in Twilight's eyes. She wished that Twilight didn't see her like this. She gave a weak smile.

"I am okay, Twi. J-just hungry. I will be right back." said Sunset.

Using all her strength, Sunset sat up. Once she felt able to, she sped off to the basement. She grabbed a bag of deer blood.

She was unaware of Filthy Rich's presence when she went down there. But she stopped for a moment as she heard a loud creaking noise. But she shrugged it off as Twilight moving around.

She ran up to her room. She made sure every light in her room, was off. She opened the blood bag, drinking the contents quickly.

She enjoyed the feel of the cold fluid running down her parched throat. She licked her lips as she took a momentary break.

"Mmm, that tasted good. And my hunger is gone. But I will finish it just to make sure." thought Sunset.

She squeezed the last half pint out of the bag. She felt her fangs extend as she drank the last drop.

She finished the blood as a knock rang at her door. She jumped, surprised by the sudden noise. She dropped the blood bag with a heavy thump.

Twilight heard a loud thump. She stood back, confused.

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