♥Chapter 21: 'Our' tree house♥

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  • Dedicated to Niall Horan (One of my future husbands (; )

OMG! It's my baby Nialler's birthday! :D

GIF ON THE SIDE OF THE BIRTHDAY MAN! OH FUCK! I love that video of them dancing and holy fuck. . . *insert dirty thoughts times infinity*


You guys need to hear this song! It's great! I'm so proud that they've written almost every song on that album whilst on the road! :')



Jamie's P.O.V.

"You're just lucky I've made good use of our  tree house."

"Our tree house," Damon repeated slowly.

Yes, this tree house was ours, despite the fact that I spent way more time in here than Damon. However, once upon a time, we were equal masters of the tree house and now the other master had returned home.

"It still looks the same the last time I came here."

"That was 6 years ago. . . "

Immediately, the tension in the air appeared in a flash, the awkwardness had sprung out of nowhere and now, Damon sat opposite me and his attention diverted to his fidgety fingers as he sat crossed legged. He had stopped gawking and gazing at awe at all the toys and gadgets spread around the tiny room and now were prostrating his head in shame.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"-Don't apologise."

It seemed, as the days went by, the more I vented my anger at Damon, reminding him of all the deeds he had done, the ones that burnt my heart years ago, leaving a scar.

"You're right. At least one of us didn't abandon and leave our house to rot."

"So . . ." The tension was still at the highest in the room. "Do you want to come over to my house?" I'm not even sure he heard my proposal because I was practically stammering every single word.

"But you don't have the keys to your house."

"But. . ." I stood up and retrieved spare keys from the drawers and dangled them in the air.

"Smart," Damon commented as he got up.

Flashing him a smirk, I winked. "I know."

A few minutes later, we arrived at my house where we were soaking head to toe.

"If you want, you can climb out through my window and into your house. I think your window is open."

He thought for a moment before nodding. So we quietly made our way up the stairs and into my room. Sending me a small smile, he climbed through my window without saying goodbye or thanks.

Well then. . .

The first thing I did was taking off the wet shirt and entered the bathroom, squeezing all the water out of the shirt Damon had lent me.

I wasn't bothered to wash his shirt because the rain had given it a good wash and it didn't smell. So I hung it up on my heater which was put on the highest temperature possible. My shower took no longer than 15 minutes as I was simply enjoying the hot water against my cold, tanned skin. My body was wrapped with a towel, a separate smaller towel for my hair but I nearly lost my grip on them when I saw Damon lying on my bed, flicking through my nerdy magazines.

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