♥Chapter 16: This memorable moment♥

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If you read my message on my message board, you'll understand everything!

Here you go! Sorry for the long wait!



Thankfully the road trip was full of laughs, terrible singing and a continuous conversation instead of awkward silences.

"So where are you going on holiday," I asked curiously as Jack steered.

"I'm going to Texas for two weeks. Got some relatives there and my parents have some business that needs sorting out."

"You're lucky," I stated.

He shrugged, "Well, I've been there loads of times so the excitement of flying and going to Texas has died down over the years. The only reason why I'm flying to the states is because I can't wait to see my gran." He smiled into the distance as he recalled some happy memories.

"So, where have you been," Jack asked.

I sighed. "Nowhere really, unless you count the residential in Year 6."


I shrugged, "Yeah, with my Dad busy and all, we don't really have time to go on holiday."

"You know, if I could, I would take you along."

I think I stopped breathing for a few moments. What . . . ?

"Too bad I'm leaving tomorrow." He sighed. "But at least I have you to keep my company today." He smiled brightly.

I smiled back shyly tucked a strand behind my ears.

He pressed a button and soon some pop song came on. Jack grinned at the female voice.

"You know this song," he asked raising the volume.

"I think so."

"It's Katy Perry Teenage Dream," he said. "Just listen to the song, you'll like it."

So I did. The song was catchy and nice and it did describe my situation but it wasn't my cup of tea.

"It's good but I'm not into pop and modern music. I'm more into rock music."

He chuckled. "You're like Damon. Sometimes he can't stand the songs I like."

"Does he scrunch up his nose and make this rally funny face," I asked.

Jack's yes filled with amusement as he nodded. "How do you know?"

"Err. . ."

"Doesn't matter cos we're here," Jack announced as he pulled over and parked. Thankfully there wasn't that many people waiting so we could just go in once we showed our tickets.

"What would you like to do first," Jack asked looking around. I smirked as I looked at the scariest ride in the theme park.

Jack's eyes widen when he saw what I was pointing at. "You wanna go on that," he stuttered nervously.

I grinned at him. "What about we do this and you wet your pants-" he glared at me, "-or what if we take turns? As you asked me what I want to do, let's go on my ride, then yours and so on. Do we have a deal? And besides you said if you chicken out from the rides, I should drag you to the ride because you end up enjoying it so . . ."

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