♥Chapter 25: Confrontation time♥

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  • Dedicated to Justin Bieber <3


On the side is Henry Clarke aka Liam Neeson who I love! This man . . . he's an amazing actor and I absoltely adore him and am in love with his films! Here's a picture of him (he's aged like reallly, really well) but imagine him with blonde hair, not dark brown please! :D

Anyways, due to pressure to post the last chapter, I cut it short and I decided at the end not to delete the other chapter and just carry it on. Basically, they're both the same chapter but spilt into two different parts! :D

Sorry for the late update!

Another announcement. . . . there's very little time before this story finishes! Hopefully the last chapter (the epilogue) will be finished before June 13th, the second anniversary of this book. However, since I have a lot of exams during this time and Ramadan will be around the corner, I'll try and get this finished by the end of March or something like that. I thought I already posted this chapter ages ago but I was wrong. Also. . . .

JUSTIN BIEBER IS FUCKING 21! HE'S FINALLY AN ADULT AND NOW HE CAN DRINK AND DO A WHOLE LOT OF SHIT THAT WILL ANNOY PEOPLE! I KID! :D ;) I STILL LOVE HIM! :D Except I disagree on his view with abortion -.- but other than that man I really wnt a piece of him! :D Never Say Never on the side. . . inspiring song when you want to give up! :D He and Jaden look so adorable in this video! :D








"Didn't your parents tell you how to treat a lady?" I snapped after I was shoved into a vehicle of some sort, nearly twisting my ankle in the process.

The man scoffed and laughed but didn't say anything else as he wrapped some rope around my hands and feet to keep me escaping. Silence fell upon us and I took this as an opportunity to try and get out of here . . . by doing nothing at all. Every corner we turned, I memorised the direction and timed the interval of every turn keeping in mind what speed we were going at. Thankfully my brilliant memory had stored all this information in and I knew that I was not heading into the City of London, up North London or South London. I was going towards Ealing which was around 30 minute drive from my house which was good because I could beat these suckers up with the heels and make a run for it.

I cursed under my breath when we were exiting London but grinned when I remembered the route to a familiar place. It seemed like we were at a motorway, possibly M4 and I was hoping for a left turn onto the A30. I guess luck was on my side especially when I heard an airplane taking off to my left. A left turn confirmed my whereabouts and I was already planning my escape.

After this point, I didn't counting and memorising the steps for ten minutes because I knew it was confrontation time.

"Don't you think it's time to see whether you've captured the right girl or not," I challenged, "Imagine if I'm not the girl you wanted in the first place? Whatcha gonna do then?"

When the black cloth was removed, I was face to face with a terrifying glare. "We'll stop and bury you 12 feet down."

"Isn't it six feet down?" Ignoring the comment, the man looked ahead with blank faces ignoring me. My knowledge of action/thriller films where someone was captured to not speak often, to keep an eye on every single action that the enemy makes and find the right moment which would take the audience by surprise.

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