♥Chapter 10: Oh no . . . ♥

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Heya. . .

I know it's been a long time! But I swear, inspiration is always low and I really like this book and I just had to finish off writing other books! I have to update regularly to gain more readers!

Urgh! So to make up for it, please enjoy a picture of this sex god. . . Chace Crawford! :D

Anyways. . .









"Stop it," Lexi hissed as she drove us to school.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "I'm sorry, I can't help it, I'm so nervous!"

She shook her head and chuckled, "you should be! You'll be attracting so many guys but make sure you save some good ones for me," she winked.

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless.

She pulled into the car park and looked at me. "Are you ready for the beginning of your new life?"

"No, I am not," I replied hesitantly.

She rolled her eyes, "girl you gotta be confident or else people won't notice you and that means our hard work will go down the drain," Lexi told me sternly.

I nodded, understanding her point and where she was coming from.

"Are you ready," she asked again.

I answered with a "yes" quietly.

"I can't hear you," Lexi shouted in my face, "I said are you ready?!"

"Yes," I replied more confidently.

Lexi frowned, "we'll have to work on your confidence a little but that alright because I'll make sure that it grows." We got out of the car and I immediately started tugging on the hem of my dress. Lexi frowned and slapped my hand away, earning a incoherent comment from me.

We linked arms and walked through towards school. Slowly, one by one Lexi was greeted with "hi's" or flirtatious "hey’s" and the best part was every single person noticed me and some people waved at me and some guys actually winked.

I could imagine my cheeks heating up as I felt myself confidence rise with every wink, every compliment, every step.

We reached our classroom and we sat down. I was about to put my phone of silent when it rang. Confused at the number, I debated whether I should answer it or not.

I answered and immediately smiled at the voice at the other end. "Hello?"

"Who are you," I replied in a deep tone to confuse him.

"Is this," Jack stuttered at the other end.

I laughed and Lexi looked at me in confusion. "It's Jamie," I replied coolly as I tried to hide my squeals.

One of the hottest boys in school was calling me? OMG!

I heard him sigh at the other end as I put it on loud speaker for Lexi to hear, "don't you dare do that to me again."

Lexi looked at me and grinned. She mouthed 'flirt' and I nodded.

"What if I do that again," I mocked him.

"Then," I heard someone's breath tickling the side of my neck, "I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget." I jumped and turned around to see Jack smirking.

I narrowed my eyes at him once I had controlled my racing heart. "What was that for," I shrieked.

"Trying to mess around with me," he grinned.

"Don't do that again," I said sternly.

He raised his hands in defence, "No promises love."

"Do that again and I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget," I smirked.

He bit his lip seductively, if possible making himself look hotter. He closed the gap in between us, "Maybe I'll do that again," he winked as the bell rang. The teachers commanded us to sit down. After sitting down and getting registered Lexi nudged me.

"It looks like lover boy can't get his eyes off you," Lexi winked, my face crimson."He likes ya Jamie," she said, just about pulling of a Scottish accent.

I looked to the side to see Jack talking to Zac. Whilst Zac was talking Jack smiled at me. I smiled back.

As soon as the bell went for registration, students rushed out into the corridors, walking to their next lesson. In my case, I had Geography and thankfully Lexi was in my class.

"Five o'clock, possible lover coming your way. G2G, TTYL, soz," she exclaimed quickly before catching up with Damon and Zac.

"Jamie," I heard Jack call me name. I stopped and waited for Jamie to be walking by my side.

"Hey," he said shyly smiling, exposing his dimples.

I smiled back shyly, nothing coming out of my mouth.

Quick Jamie, say something!

I asked "How was your weekend?"

"Well on Saturday I revised which was pretty boring. on Sunday I was dragged to Westfield and there I met a very cute girl."

"What do you think of that girl you met huh," I nudged him in the stomach.

"She's cool. We have quite a lot in common and I'm happy that we've got a lot of classes together," he smiled. "Plus she's quite passionate about Matt Smith when David Tenant is the better doctor," he winked.

I blushed, remembering the heated debate we got into about which doctor was the better doctor.

"Well, I believe a certain Whovian won that," I grinned cockily. 

"David is so much better, he brought so much to the show and beside he was the Doctor for 5 years when Matt was the Doctor for 3 years. Obviously the public liked David more."

"Then why did David get replaced," I smirked.

Jack's lips were pressed into a thin line as he tried to reply with a comeback.


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