An Intolerable Future

Start from the beginning

A loud noise sounded in front of him. Hadrian looked up wiping droplets of the remaining water from his eyes so he could see properly. On the step by the front door of the mansion stood the maid girl, quiet and frozen. Her eyes watched him fearfully, as she made no attempt to move. Hadrian felt himself smirk, as he moved forward taking a step closer and then another, until he was in front of her.

The closer he came the faster Carla's heart raised, the boy in front of her was wild, wilder then she had seen the other night. His hair was wet and the curls sat uncontrollably on his head. The tight shirt he wore revealed his body to the cool morning air that seemed to pure and to clean to witness such a site, her memory had not done him justice.

She watched as the predator glanced down and saw the basket of laundry at her feet, his smile made her stomach tighten with unease. He knew she had dropped it, he knew that when she saw him, she dropped it and froze. The smile was not embracing either, it was goading and she watched horrified as it relished in her discomfort and fear.

She gripped her hands and fidgeted under the brutal gaze which sliced at her heart, prodding the memory of the look he gave her when he left her bleeding and panting the other night.

She felt like screaming to find some way to ease the tightness in her chest.

He was standing close enough to touch and she hated herself for wanting to, but his smell was calling for her. Perhaps, she could just reach out and feel the shadows of his cheek or the skin above his wicked brow. Or maybe she could brush the skin around his mouth, which seemed to snarl with anger and violence and smile with humour and cunning. He was like some priceless painting, a Degas or a Monet. She glanced away feeling the sting of tears in her eyes, his beautiful yet brutal exterior truly burned and her sensitive heart couldn't handle the pressure and ferocity of it.

Carla felt pressure on her jaw as Hadrian's large treacherous hands forced her face in front of his own. She glanced down at the tanned skin of his fingers and palms and wondered who had died by them, who had took their last breath in these hands that held her face with such assertion?

He was close enough to kiss her now, any onlooker would assume they would, at any moment. Their intimacy and closeness would suggest so but the onlooker would mistake their proximity for compassion and not see the fire, the violence and the fear that was often found in the relations of predator and prey.

"You've been avoiding me." Hadrian spoke his voice soft, too soft, like velvet.

Carla swallowed hard and considered her answer. It had been difficult to go unseen in the mansion for the past couple of days. She had feared he would look for her and threaten her to stay quiet, but he never did.

The thought that it would have been so easy for him to find her, made the pride she felt in her accomplishment dissipate. Her actions the past couple of days had roused suspicion particularly from Mr and Mrs Potter, who both claimed it had been days since she had smiled or laughed.

Hadrian pulled her closer, close enough so their hips were touching. She was sure his intention was to warn her, she had taken too long to answer. But now she could smell the saltiness of his sweat and the deep wood musk of his own scent, reminding her of the wilderness of a forest.

Her thoughts were jumbled.

"Y..yes, I've been a..avoiding you."

It was all that left her mouth and she was certain she could feel the tingle of black amusement radiate from his skin. It made her blood boil, the thought that he found pleasure in her apprehension.

Of course, Hadrian saw this too, the girl's chin jutted out as if she had been personally attacked by the world. The fear was still there but fire had taken ahold. He smiled darkly pulling her closer, as his lips found her ear, he snarled viscously.

"Please do, fight me. But before you do there are two things about me you should know. Don't fight me, unless you're prepared to kill me. And don't kiss me, unless you're prepared to fuck me," Hadrian spat out with fury and certainty, he let go of her almost brutally, pushing her away from his body, giving them some distance.

In Carla's experience, most boys attempted to come off as tough and fierce. In reality it was all just a well-maintained act, they constantly sought approval, especially from their peers and girls, even from the adults they claimed to scorn. This boy in front of her now, however, this wizard wasn't trying to impress anyone. The way he held himself was fearless, he knew he was lethal.

Perhaps he was the devil.

Tears once again filled her eyes and Carla felt herself nearly exploding with hatred, desire and fear.

"You have no heart," she spoke quietly, but not quietly enough.

Hadrian laughed this time and Carla detected a madness in it, his eyes grew lighter as if something inside him had stirred and had finally woken. He walked towards her with an elegance and such wild furiousness that she felt as if she were on the edge of a cliff, suspended, not knowing whether she would live or die.

He was in front of her once more, however there was no desire in his eyes or allure in his voice, everything about him was distant and completely indifferent.

"I may be heartless, but you're fucking naive," he snarled, his mouth slowly turning into a snear.

Everything stopped, as the front door opened. Carla quickly reached down and picked up the basket that sat forgotten on the floor. She swallowed as if to calm herself and quickly wiped her face to clear away the tears that had been forged there.

Hadrian watched her, his face now complete ice, no longer portraying his fury. The girl thought he was heartless, then he would give her heartless. She didn't know him, yet she seemed comfortable thinking she did.

He got off on her tears in that moment.

Lily Potter stuttered as she saw Hadrian standing in the driveway, his face expressionless. Her long red hair lay perfectly curled over one shoulder, resting just under her ribs. Both the pearls that lay around her neck and the white handmade sweater she wore made her look elegant and affluent. The fluffy white material contrasted vividly with the burnt red of her hair, just like fire and ice.

Lily looked to her son, who stood with such obvious physically and mental power that she faltered. Her breath was lost and she felt as if he were a stranger. In the back of her mind she felt heartbroken, her chest was cracked and her heart wailed, but this was hidden, deep down and far away, perhaps in order to safe herself.

In her mind now, she could here Dumbledore whispering, 'watch him Lily, he will have a motive, always be vigilant.'

Lily's oldest son had become an uncertain darkness, something completely inaccessible, a vapour, ruthless to touch and too tainted to love.

"Hadrian? What are's going on here?" Lily looked from Carla to Hadrian, a feeling made its way up her spine, an iciness that often accompanies that type of dread which offers no silver linings but utter desolation.

Hadrian's beauty now seemed like the devil's work, a game, a way of temptation. The face of her maid, Carla, seemed stained with something she would now commonly associate with Hadrian, the cultivation of perpetual fear, hatred and intolerable heartache.

As she looked into Hadrian's eyes, she saw the world's future. He glanced at her lazily, his gaze lingering on her face, it was cruel not because of the anger stirring there, but by the indifference.

His ferocious and inconceivable nonchalance foreshadowed what the world would eventually become.

Hadrian Potter, Revenge (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now