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APRIL 27, 20XX

"So basically she wanted to protect you from not falling in love and getting hurt? Long distance relationships can work."

Lisa keeps me company over the phone as I walk home. I took a chance and took a later train. Yet, I still saw Taehyung waiting for his bus. So it wasn't worth missing my bus for.

"Maybe he isn't the type to do them." I kick a pebble on the ground.

"Maybe she is afraid that you guys could work."

The academic year was almost ending. Did this mean he was older? He must be graduating and moving somewhere else.

"Maybe it's for the best."

Lisa laughs on the other end, "You should've accepted his friends confession to mess with him."

I roll my eyes.


I hear the gravel crunching behind me.

"Lisa, hold on I think Yeri is-"

Before I turn around, hands go over my eyes and mouth.

I drop my phone and desperately attempt to pull the hands away as I scream to no avail.

"You never think it could happen to you, huh?" The gruesome voice ran a shiver down my spine.

I'm scared. Why didn't I listen to mom? Lisa's still on the other line! What if she comes out to try and rescue me? She'll be hurt!

"Please!" My voice is muffled behind the mans hand, but I pray he hears my cries. He's fighting with my squirming body and quickly covers my mouth with a taut bandana.

I shake my head as he yanks to go in his direction.

"Struggle and you may just never walk again."

A whimper tries to escape my lips.

Suddenly, I hear someone running towards us and with a force that sends us flying.

I fall hard onto the floor, the pebbles of the path piercing my hands.

The baseball bat that hit my attacker, hits the floor.

With shaking hands, I grab my phone and look up.

As I do, someone grabs my hand and yanks me up forcefully.

"Let's go!"

Through a wall of tears, I make out his figure.

Taehyung had saved me.

Stumbling but hastily, we keep moving forward.

"Stay with me, Jennie! Lead me to your house!"

It's hard to focus, I'm taking in all this at once.

But worst of all, I'm distracted by Taehyung's bracelet.

The one I thought was the pair to the other couple bracelet...

...was actually a hospital bracelet.

5 Minutes a Day 》 KTH ✓ (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now