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"Mona Greene," the young lady behind the front desk called, and I stood, smoothing the plaid skirt that fell a little above midthigh. I approached her desk with a small smile, hand outstretched to grab the schedule she was handing me. "Again, I'm so sorry we couldn't get it for you yesterday when you were here with your grandparents. I have no clue why our systems were down."

"Oh, it's fine," I shrugged, grabbing it from her hands and quickly reading over the classes I was given. "It's not like I could've done anything with this yesterday. Well, thank you! I'm going to go before I end up late on my first day."

"Wait!" she called as soon as I turned around, but when I twisted on my heel to face her, it seemed like she regretted her outburst. "Uh... nevermind."

"No, you can tell me," I encouraged with a smile. "If it's going to help me out here in any way, I'd seriously appreciate it."

"I don't want to offend you, but I went to this school too," she half smiled. "The kids here... well, a few of them don't take well to kids on scholarship. If I were you, I wouldn't share that information with anyone. They won't know unless you tell them."

"Thank you, Ms... Bailey," I said, glancing out the office windows to the students slowly strolling by. "Do you get a lot of new kids here?"

She almost laughed at that, and replied, "No. The junior class has had the same... sixty or so kids since their elementary school classes started next door. You will surely be the talk of the school for the next few weeks."

The office door opened, and a girl with light brown, curly hair wearing the exact same uniform as me smiled at me, then Ms. Bailey.

"Hi, Ms. Bailey," she greeted, then turned to me. "Hi, I'm Kristen McAtee. I'm your student ambassador for the day."

"I'm Mona," I smiled, offering a hug which she quickly accepted. "Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's a student ambassador?"

Kristen sent another wave to Ms. Bailey and led us out of the front office. We fell into stride side by side. She explained, "Basically, I'm another junior who can, kind of, show you around and be your friend for the first day. If you hate me, you don't have to sit with me tomorrow, but for today, me and a few of my friends will be with you in every class today. I'm in your first period, and then I'll introduce you to one of my friends that is in your second and third. None of us are in your fourth, but someone will walk you there and then pick you up for lunch."

"Okay," I shrugged cluelessly, knowing I could never find any of the rooms myself. "Do you like it here?"

"Uh, it's okay," she nodded. "There are some pretty snotty people, but if you find the right friends, you'll be fine. Honestly, you might be swooped up by the snotty people. You're really fucking pretty."

"Oh my god," I blushed, using my hand to cover my growing smile. "Thank you so much! So are you, seriously. There's something going on with this school because every person I've passed looks like a Greek god."

"Okay, but you're really pretty," she repeated. "I mean blonde hair, big tits, tan, long legs... you could be a porn star in that uniform. In a good way, of course!"

"Thank you," I laughed. "I hope that makes people not hate me."

"I don't think anyone will hate you," she comforted me. "There are some people I would stay away from, though."

"Oh my gosh," I frowned. "Please tell me. I just want my last year and a half to go as smoothly as possible."

"Alright... well, there are these boys," she began her explanation. "The least harmful one is Todd. He's probably too stupid to actually do anything mean. Then, there's, uh, Scott. He's a fucking dick. I actually dated him for a while, but it turns out he was just trying to get in my pants, and then when he did, he broke up with me."


"Yep," she nodded like she was ashamed. "Never again. There's Alex. He's a pretty stereotypical asshole, and he's dating a girl named Corinna. She cheats on him once a month with Todd, though. And then... there's David Dobrik."

His name sounded harmless, but judging by Kristen's change in demeanor just by the mention of it, I knew he was much more intimidating than his name let on. She continued, "Do not get involved with David Dobrik. He's the richest kid at this school, and he acts like it. He's so hot—they all are—but that's where they trick you. Plus, they're huge players. David has been dating girls left and right for the past few years, something about needing the perfect prom date? I don't know; it's a long explanation, but just trust me. I would advise you don't get mixed up with them."

"I trust your judgment," I laughed, reaching down to pull the skirt (which had an issue with riding up) a little lower. I looked over at her to ask her if her friends were friends with them, but I was interrupted when I quite literally body slammed into another individual. I would've lost my balance in heels, but luckily, the required Mary Janes kept me steady enough. I looked up to meet glaring brown eyes and almost felt a little bad. That was, until he opened his big fat mouth.

"Could you fucking watch where you're going?" he snapped, straightening out his blazer as if I'd done some serious damage to it. "Jesus Christ."

I noticed Kristen's head tilting to the side over and over again, motioning for me to leave it. I was never one to leave things, though.

"You're too fucking short to have such an attitude problem," I replied, sending the boy a sweet smile and ducking out of his way to continue on my path to class.

Okay, so he wasn't that short. I was five eight, and he was a couple inches taller than me. Still, men hated being called short, and I loved ticking men off.

"Holy fuck, Mona, do you even know who that was?"

By the look on her face, it wasn't too hard of a guess.

"You just told off David Dobrik."

hehe cliche of course but whats life without a cliche high school story?? its fuckin bad.

anyways let me know what u think!!! still workin out the kinks of the plot buttt i think i know where im going with this one!!! what do u think about kristen??? david??? lmk

please vote and comment if u liked!!! ur support fr means the world to me and its the only thing that makes me want to write sometimes

oh and PS mona is played by olivia brower aka my personal body goals and the sexiest bitch ive ever seen. shes a lil more voluptuous than some of my previous characters, soooooo thats why i chose her for this role. shes supposed to be sexy as hell lol

xoxo abby

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