Attack On The Rebel Prison

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The next day.
Leia pov.
We were on our way to the rebel prison where the imperials prisoner were. We should be arriving in 2 minutes. Ursa said. Good this mission will be dangerous. I said. Danger is our middle name. Ahsoka said. Then the ship drop out of hyperspace. Ah the planet Rings. Let's land. I said and the ship landed on the surfaces.

2 minutes later.
We walk out of the ship and walk up to the prison gate. Ursa brought her mandalorian squad for support. Then we heard a microphone. ATTENTION THIS IS THE REBELLION!!! YOU ARE IN A RESTRICTED AREA ON A RESTRICTED PLANET!!! LEAVE NOW OR BE ARRESTED!!! They must not know who we are. Let's show them. Mandalorian squad fire rockets at the gate.

The mandalorians fire rockets at the gate and it exploded. Then rebel soldiers came through the exploded gate with guns up. FREEZE!!! One of them yelled. We started walking to them and they began firing. Me and ahsoka pulled out our lightsabers and deflections their shots back at them. We don't have time for this. I started running towards them and killed them. Very impressive leia. Ahsoka said.

Thanks ursa you take your team to that control center and take it over. While me and ahsoka keep moving forward. Consider it done. She said and left. Let's go. I said and ran to the next part of the prison.

2 minutes later.
We reach the front door but it was lock. Ursa did you reach the control  center yet? I ask on my com. Yes we killed the rebels and taken it over. All rebel transmissions have been block. She said. Good can you open this door? Sure. The door open and we went in. Once we got in more rebel soldiers came and alarm went off.

THIER THE INTRUDERS!!! BLAST THEM!!! But before they could. Me and ahsoka force choke them all lifting them up. Once they stop breathing we drop their lifeless bodies on ground. We kelp walking and we reach the prison cells. They were all on full lock down.

I see a another control center. It's up. Ahsoka said. I'll get it. I jump in the air to the top floor where the top cells are. Some rebels tried to stop me but use the force to knock them off the top floor. Falling to their deaths.

The door was lock. So I use my lightsaber and cut a hole through it. After some seconds I finish push the hole. It some rebels killing them on impact. I step in and they were in shock. Their were only 3 left. Unlock the cells. NOW!!! I yelled. They put in the codes to unlock the cells and they open. All the imperial prisoners were now free. Thank you and your help will no longer be needed. I reactivated my lightsaber and killed them.

Ahsoka pov.
The cells open and the prisoners came out and I said. Your now free to work for emperor brigder again. I said. They all yelled in excitement. I contacted ezra. He answered. My emperor the mission is done. I said. Good I send imperial shuttles to pick up the prisoners. He said. What about the base? Destroy it with the dead rebels bodies in it. Yes my lord. I said and ended the transmission.

15 minutes later.
The shuttles came and got the prisoners out of here. All that was left was to destroy the base. 3...2...1... I said and press a button. The base exploded and there was nothing left. Job well done ladies. Let's return home to our emperor. I said and we bored our ship and took off.

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