Chapter 11 • Moon Drip

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Here's Chapter 11 everyone! I'm so excited to share this with you all! As you probably noticed, I changed my cover for the book, and the rest of the books will have the same formatted cover. Why? Because I don't want you guys to base what Elzie looks like with the anime girl on it. That isn't what Elzie really looks like, so I want to leave it up to you guys' imagination. So do you like the new cover? Please tell me in the comments, and also tell me if you like this chapter! Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy! Thanks!

Chapter 11 • Moon Drip

The sky is darkening.

We approach Erza and Gray quickly, greeting them with panting and smiles. Erza crosses her arms, acknowledging that we are here to help. She clears her throat, preparing to give instructions.

"The moon drip ceremony begins tonight when the full moon comes out," Erza says.

"Moon drip?" I ask, unaware of the term.

Erza explains. "It's dispelling magic. All of the moon's magic power is centered in one place to melt the Iced Shell." she turns her head to Lucy and Happy. "I assume you told her about Iced Shell, correct?" They're startled at the question and they nod their heads vigorously.

Erza continues her plan. "We'll all go in and find Natsu. Once he's found, we'll take down Lyon's henchmen while Gray fights him, one on one." Erza looks Gray right in the eyes. "Without interruption."

"Great," Gray says, making fists out of his two hands and putting them together. "I'll have at him."

"Good," Erza says. "Once the rest of us get past the henchmen, we'll find a way to stop the moon drip. We have to go quickly and effectively; once it starts it'll be difficult to stop it. Understood?"

"Yes!" We exclaim, and Erza closes her eyes, concentrating on something. Everything becomes silent, and I know there's something wrong.

"Elzie?" she calls to me. I finally understand what she's referring too. Bushes muffling and bustling can be heard in the distance.

"Gray, go, now. We'll take care of things here."

"Got it," Gray agrees, and rushes to the temple up ahead.

Happy and Lucy are looking left and right, unable to hear the bushes. The noises are getting quieter and quieter as we continue to try to listen. It's as if whoever or whatever it is can sense that we notice them.

"What? What's going on?" Lucy asks frantically. She tries listening as well, but to no avail. She immediately takes out her multiple keys, ready for any battle ahead.

"Shh," I silence her as I'm receiving more sound waves from the bushes. The noise crescendos, and I know they are arriving to where we are. I center a beam of light in my fist as I shift over to the left, exactly where the group of people are trying to ambush us. I feel another group dawning on us from the opposite side of the trail. Before I can even emit my voice from my mouth to warn Erza, she sprints over to exactly the same place, obviously sensing it as well. Their presence has gotten as strong as possible, and I nod at Erza, who then directs her concentration back to the henchmen.

They're here.

"Iron Fist of the light dragon!"


Erza's enemy appears first as she slashes him with her sword. He flies back into the bushes as his group of a dozen come rushing out as well. Then, mine comes. He wears a dark mask and cloak in uniform with the others'. I lift of my fist and ram my arm into his gut, the oxygen in his body escaping out of his mouth. However, as I'm experiencing the impact, the pain in the injuries on my arm intensify, and I jerk my hand back in agony. I fall back down to the ground and clench my arm, screaming uncontrollably, the same feeling as in the morning.

The Purple Moon • A Fairy Tail FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant