Chapter 10 • Deliora

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Chapter 10 • Deliora 

Gray eagerly leaps off of the ground and exits the tent. With his hands in his pocket, he makes his way into the forest, Lucy and Happy beside him. Erza is last in line, and I am right in front of her. Suddenly, my wounds begin to sting once again. It's beginning to become difficult to walk as the injured parts of my body are feeling numb. It's probably part of the healing process, I assure myself. Nothing to worry about. 

In a few minutes, we're out in the forest once again. I look down at the ground and observe my trails of blood I left as I made my way to the village. I glance at the others to see if they notice the blood as well, but thankfully, they don't. I don't want to lie again, especially to my family. As Lucy and Happy bicker about trivial matters, and Gray is walking up ahead, Erza grabs my arm. Her fingers are thin and cold, goosebumps forming even with my long sleeved shirt separating my skin and her hand.

 I freeze, take a deep breath, then turn my head to her direction. A mix of seriousness and worry is prominent in her countenance, and we're silent for a couple of seconds. Before her lips even move,  I know exactly what she's going to ask.

"What happened out there Elzie?" Erza questions. She let's go of my arm and puts it to her side.

"I don't want to talk about it," I quickly answer. The more I speak, the more my jaw aches. I touch the area with my hand, trying to sooth the pain. I wait for an answer from Erza, who is only staring at me with cold eyes.

"I demand that you tell me," Erza persists. Knowing that she won't stop pestering me until I tell her, it leaves me with no choice but to confess. I wonder how to say I was attacked by some kind of inhumane being without her believing I'm lying. I look back to the others, who continue to walk further and further away. However, Gray is staring back at us, but he is not saying a word to Lucy or Happy. Erza continues walking their way so that we don't lose them, and I start walking also by her side.

I glance around at the trees and bushes around us, and I start to become scared, with a similar feeling I had when I was beaten and broken as the demon stabbed me over and over.  Finally, I tell her what happened. "A demon, human thing attacked me. It appeared human, but wasn't at the same time," I begin. Erza is listening, all of her attention directed towards me and me only. I break the jail cell of my heart and spill out everything that occurred. The anonymous beast, her ultimate strength, and the torture she inflicted on me. Erza seems bewildered of what I said.

"A beast that strong?" she replies to my story, and I nod.

I want to stop talking. Just speaking words about the devilish being sends chills up my spine. I can now feel her presence, her horrible breath, her pointed, silver sword scraping my skin, as if speaking of her is a taboo. I put my hand on my arm and scratch it vigorously, trying to get the feeling of her malicious hand off of me. The back of my brain knows that she is not there, but I can't help but believe she is. What's wrong with me? I wonder. As I continue walking I become dizzier and dizzier. My eyesight doubles and my head feels heavier than usual. Uncoordinated, I rest my palm on a nearby tree. I feel the remaining food in my stomach make it's way up to my esophagus. I vomit up the food in the soil near the tree.

"Elzie!" Erza says, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. She starts talking and telling me something, but I can't pay attention. Am I allergic to that medicine? I ask myself. I shake my head. This has nothing to do with the medicine. It's instead like I'm having a panic attack....


"Elzie, can you hear me?"

The voice I hear is now sweeter and calmer. I look up and I see Lucy and Happy. I feel multiple sharp points digging into my back and I realize that time has passed. I sit up on a boulder stuck in the ground and look around, my head hurting like crazy. I rest my head in my two hands as everyone sighs in relief.

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