Chapter 8: Rejection

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With no particular plan, Yuri's feet started carrying her to the direction of Yena's apartment complex. She didn't know what came over her, just that she was restless the entire time she was in the house and with her parents still out of town, no one was there to stop her from taking a walk when it was almost 7 in the evening. 

It was starting to get darker with every step that she took but she wasn't afraid of walking around in the dark. Her mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts; about herself, about Gyuri, about Yena... She couldn't keep her thoughts in order. 

One particular thought that plagued her mind was a rather specific one. She started to compare her meeting with Yena to her meeting with Gyuri. When she actually started thinking about it, she started to realize how similar her encounters with the two were. 

Both Yena and Gyuri were her seniors by one year. They were both people she had never heard of prior to them befriending her. Gyuri's approach was a lot more cheerful in comparison to Yena but it doesn't change the fact that to her, those two approached her out of no where. Both of them defended her whenever someone would attack her and would always care for her whenever she needs someone...

 It was like Yena took over what Gyuri left behind. 

So now enters the question.

"Did I really.. ever look at Yena-unnie? Or.. Was I just seeing the shadow of Gyuri.. feeling somewhat connected to Yena-unnie because everything was so similar to how it was with Gyuri?"

"....Did I just.. Want Yena-unnie to be with me because she treated me so much like how Gyuri used to treat me? Did I just.. have this familiarity with the feelings I used to have?"

She wasn't sure who she was asking. Maybe she was actually hoping that the passing wind would answer her questions but of course that wasn't going to happen. Other than her softly confused voice and her footsteps, she couldn't hear much in the neighborhood.

Snapping out of deep thought, after a while of walking, she reached the park that was just before the apartment complex. She walked into the park, walking over to the swing set. She sat down, staring at the tall buildings next to the park, spacing out again. 




⫸Troubled Ⅰ⫷ MISLEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin