A Handy Tip (for forgetful people)

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I also have a habit of going into a room, then standing there, trying to remember why I went there in the first place.  If I do this more than once in one day, it can get really irritating!

I did this a lot when I lived in my house, I would go all the way upstairs, forget why and then go all the way down again.  As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I remembered!  I annoyed myself plenty, I can tell you.

My sister, who is a bit cleverer than me, told me this handy tip.  You have to say out loud 'I'm going to (wherever it is) e.g. kitchen, to find the scissors in the kitchen drawer'.  This way, the words are impressed upon the brain and you remember where you went and what for!

I do this now and it does help a lot for forgetful people like me!  Ha, ha.

I hope it helps!

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