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The flats where I live are three buildings joined together. There are four flats in each block, each with it's own entrance, so 12 flats in all. It is quite a nice little community.  We are friends with a couple in Block 3 (we live in Block 1) who we keep telling are the best thing about living here. (I'll call them Mark and Angela, but that is not their names). They are very kind, helpful and compassionate and have a good sense of humour (essential wherever you happen to live!) They live on the ground floor and Lilian lived upstairs. She was about 93 at the time of this story.

One morning about 6 am a loud knocking was heard on Mark and Angela's front door. Opening the door, they find the elderly, tiny Lilian standing in the hallway in her dressing gown.

"There's water all over my kitchen floor and I don't know where it's coming from!" she said.

Being the caring person he is, Mark went upstairs with her and was soon on his knees wiping up all of the water. It was coming from the fridge, which had defrosted itself.  After making sure everything was put right, Mark called out to Lilian, "Lilian, it's all okay now."  There was no reply, so he poked his head around the lounge door, but there was no sign of her. He finally found her in her bedroom, snuggled down in bed and fast asleep!

(Not sure if she really was fast asleep, but it sounds good doesn't it?) It goes to show how much she trusted her neighbours if she felt that secure and I think that's really nice.

Mark has a wonderful sense of humour and on Sunday when I cook a roast lunch and the lovely smell of cooking wafts outside my kitchen window, Mark can often be heard to say out loud "Aah....Bisto!" Ha, ha. It makes me laugh every time!

Unfortunately, Lilian was taken ill and had to be hospitalised soon after and she never came home.  She died a few months later.  It was very sad.  She had lived in the flat since they were built in 1991 and was the oldest resident.

April 2018

Bisto is a gravy powder. A lot of adverts over the years had the 'Aah...Bisto' words in them, it became a trade mark.

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