Patricia's Own Language

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Patricia's Own Language

When Patricia was two or three years old she made up a little language all of her own. Whether this meant she was clever enough to do that, or stupid enough not to learn English properly, one will never know.

She called a ball a 'babem' because it bounced. To her mind it was the sound the ball made as it bounced up and down.

Little boys were called 'little boos.'

The birds were 'Bee Bees.'

A hedgehog was a 'Boggy.'

The front room was the 'Root Row.'

Her sister Marilyn was called 'Mar Mar.' Her sister hated it! But she did it for years and years...

And the worst one of all was 'Belly Bum' which she said when she was cross! Belly and Bum being words she was not allowed to say, so she did, by adding them together.

Patricia was taken to church each week as a child and once, when visiting another church to listen to a local girl singing, Patricia shouted 'Belly Bum' out loudly during the service. She did it because she was told not to do something or to do something, not sure which... and it was very strange, because no one took any notice at all, even though it was very quiet when she shouted out.   As young as she was, she was expecting some re-action. Her mother shushed her and probably sank beneath the pew to hide her shame!!!

My poor, poor mother! She had a lot to put up with....

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