Chapter 21

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*2 days later*


School is so boring.. I've never wanted to shoot my brains out so bad in my life.. Literally what my professor is saying is going in one ear and out the other..

"I hope you got those notes written down Becker. You'll need them"

Well dang.. He could've told me that.

"I did" I said with a half smile. This guy needs to stop talking to me and let me out of my misery.

"Okay class dismissed. Study those notes!"

Hahah all those people have to study. Can't study what I don't have right? I darted out of the classroom and ran into carter.

"Hey.. Sorry about that!" He said while picking up my binder.

"No you're fine. My fault.. Where were you today at lunch? Me and Kal couldn't find you anywhere."

"Oh I uh.."


"I was picking up Luke."

"From the hospital?"


"Oh my gosh! He's back?"

"Yeah.. He's in our dorm. Is something wrong?"

"Yes.. Very wrong.. I gotta go" I said while brushing past him. These last couple of days I've been thinking about Luke a lot. I wanted to go see him in the hospital but I just didn't know what to say.. And I don't know.. I guess I lost track of time with school and homework and thinking and blahhhh.

I ran to Luke's dorm and knocked. He opened it and gave me the most confused/pissed off look I've ever seen.

"What are you doing here?"

"I um.. I meant to come see you.. I didn't know you were coming back today."

"How would you?" He said while crutching back over to his bed.

"Luke.. I'm sorry. I should've been there for you. I wanted to be there for you I just didn't know what to say after what happened.."

"Don't worry about it. It's over with."

"No it's not. I left-"

"To hang with Shane."

"Noo Luke that's not why I left!"

"So you didn't hang out with Shane the day you left?"

"Yes I did but-"

"Nope that's all I needed to know"

"Let me finish!"

"I don't need you to finish! You left the hospital to hang out with another guy"

"I didn't leave because I wanted to hang out with him! Gosh you're so annoying Luke! And you know what? It's not just me who's confusing! It's you too! One minute you're acting flirty and the next you act like you have no interest in me! Stop being a hypocrite!"

"I'm not being a hypocrite. I'm not a guy who goes after someone else's girl and you and Shane always act like y'all are a couple!"

"Why are you making this about Shane? He has nothing to do with this! Gosh I can't even believe I came here to tell you that I'm falling for you! I'm falling hard Luke!"

I really didn't mean to say that.. it just slipped out.. He just looked at me stunned. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to catch my breath. I talk way too much at a time. I could also feel my eyes watering. Crap. Why let another guy get to me? He's doesn't want me here anyway. Just thinking of that made the tears fall. I tried to stop them as best as I could but it didn't work and before I knew it I was being smooshed into Luke's chest.

"I'm so sorry"

"Just stop Luke" I said while pulling away from him and wiping my eyes.

"No I'm not gonna stop. I made you cry. Gosh I'm such an idiot"

"No you're not. I'm just being a baby. I should go"

I tried walking away from him but he had a tight grip on my waist.

"Please don't go"

"You don't want me here Luke. I get it"

"I do want you here! If I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here trying to balance on one leg just to hold you back"

I half smiled and grabbed his hands to help him balance better.

"There's that smile." He said while putting his for head against mine. I couldn't help but smile again. I guess it's taken me to realize just now that Luke makes me happy without even trying.

"Please let me kiss you"

I smiled and put my hand on the back of his neck to pull him towards me and kissed him. This felt so right. Everything about being with Luke felt so right.



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