Chapter 3

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Okay so I guess I was a little harsh to Luke.. But my goodness I am not in the mood! I just can't deal with anyone right now. I'm in one of those moods where anyone and anything annoys me. I hope my roommate isn't annoying. I don't know how ill make it through this year if she is. I guess I'll find out tomorrow..

Next morning

I woke up to the sound of a door clicking shut. It scared me for a minute because I thought someone was breaking in or something.. I mean ya never know. These Georgia people can be a little crazy. I shot up and looked over at the door. A average sized blonde girl was walking over to her side of the room. She looked like someone I'd like. Actually.. We kinda looked alike. We both had blonde hair, blue eyes and tan skin. My hair was a little longer though. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!" She said in a low whisper which I don't understand because I'm obviously awake.

"No you're fine! I'm not a heavy sleeper" I said with a smile.

"I'm Kallie. You can call me Kal though. Either is fine"

I let out a giggle. That was so sudden. "I'm Peyton. But you can call me Pey. Everyone calls me that."

"Well nice to meet you Pey!" She said while holding her hand out to me. I took it and shook her hand. I can already tell we're going to be good friends.

Couple hours later

Kallie is really cool. She reminds me of my friends from back home. We talked a lot since she got here. Mostly while organizing her things. Yes I helped her organize. I didn't want to but I just wanted to be nice. And I could barely tell I was doing anything because of how much talking we were doing. I told her about Tyler and what happened at the party and how Luke ran into me.

"Okay so this really cute guy I saw earlier invited me to a bar tonight because he and his friend are doing a gig. You should come"

I gave her a look like I didn't know why she was asking me this.

"Oh come on! Please! It'll be fun! And plus you can get your mind off Tyler and have some fun!" She said with pleading eyes.

"I don't know.."

"Peyton you're going! You have to pleasee!"

"Alright fine.. But if one guy tries to make a move on me he's getting punched."

"Yay! And maybe it's a good idea to start looking for someone.."

I started laughing. "No thanks. Tonight is about fun. Not boys. Deal?"

"Deal! Well it's fun and a boy for me but fun for you!" She said. I laughed.

"Okay, we'll go with that."

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