Chapter 31

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The door opened and revealed Susie in Luke's T-shirt. She had messy hair, wasn't wearing pants, and was in MY MANS DORM.

"Peyt-" Is all she got out before I punched the bitch. She fell to the ground and I grabbed her by the hair.

"Next time I will paralyze you. Get lost slut" She got up right away and grabbed her purse and left. Without a word. Damn why didn't I do that last night? Luke was sitting up looking at me in his bed. I couldn't tell if he was shocked or scared. I was crying so hard at this point. Partly because my hand ached and partly because my boyfriend had a slut in his dorm with his shirt on.

"Peyton its not what it looks like. Please listen." He said while grabbing his crutches.

"No don't even waste your breath. I'm done Luke."

"Peyton! Stop please just listen to me." I stopped my hand from turning the door knob and turned around.

"Like you listened to me last night? You were pissed at me for thinking something was going on with you and another girl and for not trusting you and now this? You just gave me a perfect reason not to trust you and a perfect explanation on why guys suck!" I said in between sobs. I ran out the door and into my dorm. I cannot believe this is happening again. I told myself I'd never let a guy do to me what Tyler did and now Luke is doing the same thing.

"Peyton please! Tell me what's wrong!" Kallie said while running over to me and wrapping her arms around me. Even though she has a big mouth I still love her and I especially need my best friend right now.

"I... went to Luke's dorm and... Susie was in there in his t-shirt! She spent... the night" I said while still sobbing.

"What?? No! Luke wouldn't do that!"

"Well he did. She answered his door Kallie! Like she has done it before or something."

"Oh my gosh... Where did she sleep?"

"I don't know. Probably with Luke."

"Or Carter.."


"Carter. Where was he?"

"I don't know. I didn't see him actually. Your guy is smart and probably slept somewhere else."

Kallie sighed and hugged me tighter.
"I know it looks bad but you gotta hear him out Peyton. Luke would never hurt you. I know it's really bad timing too but Luke's not like that and you know it"

"Why aren't you mad at me?"


"I yelled at you this morning and you're not mad. Why?"

"Because I know the truth on whether or not I told Luke and you're my best friend and you need me."

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. You really are a good friend Kal"

"I know I am. That's why you're going to have some Kallie therapy" she said while getting up and going through the pink chest she has at the end of her bed. She got out a bottle of vodka, two shot glasses, and a bag of limes.

"Uhhhh. How is this therapy?"

"You take shots of vodka and I suck out lime juice while you talk about how you feel"

She poured me some vodka and got a lime out for herself.

"Well I feel like punching Luke in the face like I punched Susie." I said before downing my shot. Kallie sucked her lime and looked at me shocked.

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