Chapter 47

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On my way back, Kallie called me and asked me to go to the bars with her and a couple of our other friends. At first I could tell she didn't want to ask me because of the timing but honestly a night out with my friends is just what I need.

I haven't replied to Luke yet. What do I say? I don't know where we stand at this moment. I'm still so pissed about what he said. And why is it my decision? It's like he just puts everything on me to make me look like the bad guy.

"I'm going to bed Luke. I'm sick of fighting and I just think we need a couple days before we talk again." I quickly texted back.

I was not going to tell him I'm going to the bars because lord knows he'll hunt me down.

"Alright let's go." Kallie said as she finished applying some last minute lip gloss. 

We jumped in the car with our friends Sadie, Molly, Grace, and Reagan.

For some odd reason, whenever I don't want to deal with Luke I turn to alcohol.. that boy is turning me into an alcoholic but hey I'm not complaining.

"Here Pey." Reagan said as she was handing me my drink.

I'm not for sure why but I've been sipping on vodka soda all night. Vodka is my least favorite drink but it gets the job done and there's no way that I'm drinking it straight up.

"Cheers to a fun night out with my girls." Kallie said as we all clanked our drinks.

So many people were here tonight and it's just such a good time. No drama, just fun. This is what college should be about. Sometimes I wonder if I should've just stuck with the whole 'no time for boys' thing when I came here. I'm not saying Luke doesn't make me happy because he definitely does but it's just unnecessary stress that I don't need.

"Peyton come dance with me! No one else will." A very drunk Molly said while dragging me to the dance floor. I quickly grabbed my drink off the bar and followed her against my will.

It was so crowded and I could already feel myself breaking a sweat. All the faces were familiar though so it wasn't uncomfortable. It was fun to just let loose and have a good time. Everyone was grinding on each other and jumping. Molly is such a party girl. She's the respectful party girl that knows her boundaries and I love it. She's a blast.

"Peyton!" I heard a manly voice shout behind me. Oh goodness. I slowed down my grinding on this guy that I didn't know. Whoops. I totally thought he was Molly. I looked around and saw that Molly was a few people over from me.

I turned my attention back on the guy who said my name and noticed it was Shane. Okay thank god. Luke would be so mad at me if he knew I lied to him.

"Shane!!" I shouted while jumping in his arms. "I missed you so much!" I said as I kissed his cheek multiple times.

"I haven't seen you in forever, how have you been?" He asked with a chuckle as he put me down and I stumbled.

"Well I'm great now!" I emphasized.

He chuckled again. "I can see that. Where's Luke?"

"Hopefully not here." I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where Molly was. We all started dancing again.

Kallie ordered us all tequila shots and after throwing those back I am pretty wasted. It's a good drunk though and I'm having fun.

"One.. two.. three.. go!" Sadie shouted as we all licked the salt off our hand and threw back a tequila shot. I quickly sucked my lime and threw it back on the bar.

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