Chapter 44

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Luke and I just left the hospital. We said goodbye to everyone before we left. My dad gets released either today or tomorrow and I'm so happy and grateful that's he's okay. I'm so lucky to have him here and this experience has helped me to realize how much he means to me.

Kallie was annoyed that I just left out of no where and didn't tell her but once I explained what happened she obviously wasn't upset anymore and understood why I had to leave.

Our trip back has been a little delayed because my boyfriend is so hot and I can't keep my hands off him so we won't be making it back to Georgia until late. It sucks that I have to drive back alone since we took different cars. Especially since I'm so tired and will most likely fall asleep at the wheel.

"Please don't make me drive." I whined to Luke as I picked up my keys off the coffee table. I swear all I've been doing today is procrastinating.

"What would you like me to do about it Miss Peyton?"

"Drive for me?"

"Well if someone wasn't so stubborn then I would've drove here with you and we could've left together."

I rolled my eyes at his response and walked out the door. He followed behind me and I walked to my car. Before I got in I looked over my shoulder and saw Luke climbing in the truck.

"Get back here and kiss me!" I hollered at him.

He laughed and crutched over to me with his lips puckered. "Please drive careful." I said before our lips met.

"Careful is my middle name."

"Mmm hmm I'm sure your crutches would agree." I laughed.

He mocked my laugh and pulled me closer to him so our lips were almost touching again. "I love you."

"Love you more." I said kissing him one last time before we had to go our separate ways.

About halfway back to Georgia, I got a call from Kallie. I reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed my phone.

"Hey girl." I said as I answered.

"Hey Pey.." Kallie said, her voice sounding like something was wrong.

"What's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you.."

I stopped at a red light and could feel my heart beating a little faster. Goodness, I hope this isn't bad news which it most likely will be   from the sound of kallies voice.

"What Kal? What's it about? Are you and Carter good?" I asked thinking maybe her and Carter broke up.

"Yeah we're good.. Are you by yourself?"

"Yes I'm driving back to Georgia right now.. Please tell me what's going on."

"Some girl just came and knocked on our door, looking for you."

"What did she want?"

"To talk about Luke.. She said she had messages to prove whatever she was going to say. She didn't tell me anything. She wanted to talk to you. Whatever it was Pey, I don't think it was good.. I mean why else would she come here?"

I just sat there stunned. What could this girl possibly want? Why do all these girls have to try and come between Luke and I? I just don't understand why I can't just get a break. I keep getting bad news.

"Who was she?" I asked with no emotion in my voice. I honestly just don't know how to feel right now.

"I don't know.. She looked familiar but I can't think of her name." She said.

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