Chapter 43

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I slowly woke up and looked at my surroundings. I was in my bed at my parents house and Luke was fast asleep next to me.

Thank god. It was just a dream.

I swear I have the craziest dreams when I'm home.

"You okay?" Luke asked while wrapping his arm around my waste and snuggling up to my side.

"I just had the weirdest dream."


"It was about last night when we were at the club and I was grinding on Tyler but before that you guys became friends and then Payton started hanging out with you at the bar and she told you about how I was grinding with Tyler and you didn't even care and then you ended up going home with Payton."

"Your dreams worry me."

"Yeah no kidding."

"Well last night was perfect and I'm glad it didn't happen like that." He said while sitting up and kissing my shoulder and then my lips.

Oh it definitely was.


"I cannot wait to finally get to party in this place again! I've missed it!" I said to all my gals as we were getting out of my jeep.

"I know! It's gonna feel like the old days." Quinn said while putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Better park your jeep somewhere it can stay overnight because we all know you won't be able to drive yourself home!" Payton said.

"Shut up! I'm not even gonna drink a lot."

They all started laughing as we made it to the door. "Yeah you say that every time!" Chloe said.

I rolled my eyes and purposely closed the door behind me as I walked in first with all my friends complaining behind me as the door slammed in their faces.

The boys were all crowded around the bar ordering their drinks. I snuck up behind Luke and and kissed his cheek.

"You know, you're probably the cutest crip I've ever seen in a bar."

"Really? Just in a bar?"

I smiled and kissed his cheek again.

"So what will P be having to drink for her first time with her I.D?" Payton asked while coming up and standing next to us.

"Hmm.. Nothing too bad.. Maybe just a beer." I said.

"A beer?? Are you kidding?" She asked while handing our I.D's to the bartender. "I'll have two bloody Mary's."


"Nope." She cut me off, "Don't say a word you're gonna have a cocktail and have fun tonight."

I sighed and grabbed my drink from the bartender.

"Don't let me get too crazy, okay?" I said to Luke.

"Eh I don't know.. I kinda like your crazy drunk side."

I rolled my eyes and dragged him to the dance floor with me.

For it being only Thursday, there were a lot of people here.. Including Tyler.

I honestly don't trust myself to be here especially if I'm drinking alcohol. Not because I'm still attracted to Tyler but because alcohol makes me do the stupidest things and he's already tried flirting with me plenty of times tonight.

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