Before you read

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Hey, so this is obviously a Twilight fic about a super under-appreciated character, Alec Volturi. Now, I am not a Twihard (I think that's what it's called?) but I have read the books and seen the movies so fingers crossed this isn't horrible. Also, please bear with me y'all cause I read these books in elementary school so it's been a while.

Character-wise I'm going to try to add a bit more here and there just because I feel like these are all really interesting characters that could've been so much more! Also, if you feel a character is not in character please let me know because one of my biggest fears is that I write them wrong. However, I will be taking a different approach on a few characters just to give them a more relatable feel. Even people that have one predominate trait have other little bits of personality sprinkled in.

Please enjoy y'all and please . . .


I love you all 💕😁

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