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Alec could still feel the taste of Hennessy on his lips as he walked with Jane, Demitri, and Felix to speak with the Cullens. It was all he could do not to turn around and speed back to her house to continue kissing her senselessly. He would have done just that if he hadn't been called back to Volterra as soon as this business was handled. 

"It appears you've done our work for us," Jane's soft voice calls to the Cullens. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

Alec knew Jane was putting on a show for the group. Despite the fact that the Cullens had gotten to know the twins over the course of their time in Forks, they still understood that the two were Volturi first.

Carlisle had his arm around his mate in an act of protection as he stared the small, but dangerous group of Volturi members down. "We were lucky," he said.

Jane smiled in that sickening way only she could master and said, "I doubt that."

Alec could sense the tense atmosphere as if he had Jasper's powers. He wanted to add to the fear that the group already felt. Despite their hospitality and how close his own mate was to some of the members, he still enjoyed playing this game.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." He directed his statement to both the Cullens and his sister.

"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary," she added.

Edward took that as his cue to play hero and mouth off as if he hadn't just begged the group for death a few months prior. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose."

"Pity." Jane somehow spat the word and kept her cool at the same time before allowing her eyes to scan the faces of the clan. Alec saw the girl before his sister did, but allowed her to do the talking. "You missed one."

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Alec wanted to laugh at Carlisle's words. 

"That wasn't yours to offer." This time Jane's words had more fire in them and she started to stalk closer to the small girl. Alec knew what was coming and he also knew his sister needed this release. She hadn't really tortured anyone in quite some time.

"Why did you come?" She asked, but never really expected an answer. She locked eyes with the girl and started to focus her power. Alec relished in the screams that came from the newborn vampire.

"They came to destroy us – to kill Bella." Alec could tell his sister didn't care what Esme Cullen was saying. She wanted more pain. 

"Who created you?" Her power intensified. Alec could always tell what level of pain his sister was causing just by the way her eyes changed.

Esme Cullen's voice came out more desperate and Alec wanted to tell the woman to shut up so he could enjoy what was happening. "You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know."

"I know," was all she said.

"I don't know! Riley wouldn't tell us! He said our thoughts weren't safe." The girl was grabbing at her throat while she talked in a rushed and scared voice. Jane unleashed her power once again.

Alec didn't care to hear the rest of what the group talked about. Once the newborn stopped screaming he didn't really care about much of anything going on. The tortured screams were a nice distraction from the silver hair that kept swaying in his mind, but it was just that - a distraction. He briefly registered Edward speaking and then the girl being torn apart by Felix. Before long they were running off to the airport. He was leaving this town and his mate.


Hennessy had taken a nap as soon as the twins left. It had taken forever for her to calm down from the way Alec had kissed her, but as soon as she did she was asleep. In her dreams, Alec was still down in her living room, kissing her and promising to stay. It was a nice dream, one she was not happy to wake up from.

If she had woken up a second earlier she would have seen the red eyes of Alec Volturi watching her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. He was meant to be at the airport already, but he had to see her one last time before he left even if she would never know he had been there. 

Her eyes opened when a gust of wind washed over her body. She didn't remember leaving her window open, but she did a lot of things she couldn't remember. Hennessy reached for her phone and looked at the time. 

7:02 pm 

She had slept only a couple of hours and she still had enough of the day left to get some of her summer work started for the next school year. She hoped that keeping busy would keep her mind off of the fact that Alec was no longer on the same continent as her, but it didn't. She kept checking her phone every few minutes hoping that he would text her, but he didn't. 

She stayed up until the early hours of the morning waiting for something, anything, but nothing came. So, she laid back down and fell into a deep sleep hoping that when she awoke his name would be on her phone. 


Alec spent the whole plane ride thinking about Hennessy. He ignored Felix and Demitri's attempts to get him to speak and even Jane couldn't get him to say a word. He spent the time thinking about how alone Hennessy would be and how he couldn't protect her from Italy. It was stupid to leave her behind. Those thoughts kept him silent all the way back to the castle until he was standing before the three kings. It kept him silent until Aro addressed him directly. 

"And dear Alec, how was your mission?" Aro looked at him expectantly, with eyebrows raised to his forehead and a grin across his face. Alec didn't feel like talking, so he merely held out his hand for his master to see for himself.

Every moment of his time with Hennessy flew through his mind and into Aro's. All the moments that he had treated her poorly and all the moments where he had been sweet. His deepest feelings about the girl that not even Jane was privy to yet. Aro saw it all. 

"Now, now dear boy don't be so sad. I will allow you to retrieve her permanently in due time." Alec didn't like the sound of that. It sounded like he would not get to see her or feel her against him again for a very long time. 

He bowed his head to the three kings and rushed off to his chambers as soon as he was dismissed. He pulled his phone from his cloak and began to type out a message to Hennessy.

As soon as he pressed send his door opened and his sister walked in and sat down beside him. She always had a way of knowing when he was upset or angry and right now he was a combination of both.

"Why do I feel this way?" He asked her, sounding weaker than he meant to.

"I suppose it is the same with any vampire that is separated from their mate. You know it only takes a moment for that bond to snap into place and once it does it cannot break. The two of you were not meant to be parted and that feeling is proof of that," Jane said in a tone that she reserved for only him. It was a tone of love and patience that only one other person had ever witnessed.

"It needs to go away."

"I don't think it will."

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