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The first day of summer break was a nice release for Hennessy until she looked out the window and was met with a rainy day. She knew that meant that she would effectively be stuck inside with no company all day. Thankfully, she had slept in late that day so she didn't have to worry about dealing with the whole day.

She wasn't planning on getting out of bed until she looked at her phone and saw the missed text messages and calls from Jane. She rolled her eyes before clicking on Jane's contact and calling the girl. She picked up on the first ring.

"It's two in the afternoon," Jane's monotone voice came through the speaker.

"I'm aware." Hennessy rolled over in bed and put her face in the pillow.

"And you're still in bed?" Jane's question caused Hennessy to let out a groan.

"Yes and I don't plan on leaving it."

"Well at least clean yourself up. I'm on my way over." Jane didn't wait for Hennessy to respond as she hung up, leaving the silver-haired girl to promptly jump out of bed and run into her shower.

She was just getting out of the shower and slipping on her robe when Jane knocked on her door. Hennessy didn't have time to put on anything else as she ran down the stairs and opened the door expecting to only see her friend, but also being greeted by Alec. She didn't realize why the boy was averting his eyes until she looked down and saw the robe she had rushed down in. She felt her cheeks flush as she just stared at the two.

"I'm sorry for not mentioning Alec would be joining me, it was a last-minute decision," Jane said as she tried to hide her amusement.

Hennessy threw a glare at the girl before telling them to step inside by motioning with her arm. She didn't realize this caused the already short robe to ride farther up her leg. Alec was no longer averting his gaze as he looked at all the exposed skin.

"No, I'm sorry!" Hennessy pulled at her ensemble a little in an effort to hide as much of herself as possible. "I usually don't answer the door like this but..."

She trailed off before grabbing Jane's arm and pulling her up the stairs behind her, leaving Alec alone in the living room.

Jane rolled her eyes at the silver head in front of her but followed along nonetheless. Once they were alone and the door was safely locked, Hennessy began to put on actual clothes and fuss at Jane.

"A little heads up would've been nice! I mean I answered the door in a fucking robe, Jane!" Hennessy ran her hands through her hair, pulling at the ends a little bit before slipping into an oversized shirt.

Jane stared at the girl with a bored look as she frantically searched her room for a pair of shorts.

"I don't know why you're freaking out. The little show downstairs definitely caught his attention." Hennessy glared at Jane and pulled on her shorts. "Besides he came over to ask you a question."

This stopped Hennessy in her tracks. What on Earth could be so important that Alec would stop by with Jane to ask her in person?

"And what's the question?" She asked with a raised brow as she combed through her partially wet hair.

"That's for Alec to answer - or ask more like," Jane said with a contemplative look. "But let's just say that while we were gone he realized a few things.

Jane refused to say anything else while Hennessy continued to make herself decent. It took longer than usual due to the extremely good-looking guy in her living room. 

Meanwhile, said guy had been listening in on every word uttered by the pair and grew increasingly nervous as he realized there was no way out of what he set out to do.

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