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"Alec," Aro addressed the boy and then his sister, "Jane."

With an incline of his head the two came forward to stand in front of their master's throne.

"Yes master." The twins said in perfect unison.

"It appears as though one of your mates has been located by our seer. Alice, here has had a vision of Alec with a human girl."

Alec's nose turned up in disgust as something akin to a snarl came out. Jane, likewise, had an upturned nose accompanied by a furrowed brow.

"Aro, I assure that is impossible. I would never-"

Aro cut off Alec with a wave of his hand.

"No need for that, my child. The future is clear as we see and yet we know it is liable to change. It is because of this that I send you and your sister to accompany the Cullens back to Forks." Aro smiled a little at the group in front of him.

"Master Aro, my brother has no desire to meet this human whore that the seer claims to be his mate. I assure you that there is no need to send us to that desolate place. Our skills are better utilized by your side," Jane said while looking up at Aro as a child would to her father.

"Now now Jane, we must not insult the girl. I am sending you to Forks to meet this girl as well as to keep an eye on our . . ." he paused as he thought on a word, "allies of the Olympic coven. Besides, young Alec may give his heart to this girl. Now, no more disobedience, go ready yourselves after Hiedi brings in the meal."

With that the twins stepped back, each sharing an angered looked with the other. Aro said a few more words to the Cullens and Bella before letting them go and allowing Hiedi to enter with the meal.

This girl would only add to his already insurmountable power, he need only bide the time.


Hennessy stared off into space with an angered look as Bella Swan attempted to explain to her why she had run away to Italy.

"So you see I just had to go because-"

"Because 'Edward was there and blah blah blah'. I heard you Bella but that's not a reason to up and leave your dad during this time. Besides, you missed dinner." She narrowed her eyes at the brunette, "that's unforgivable."

Both of the girls glared at each other until laughing.

"Forgive me?"

"Of course! I just wish we could've gotten closer before the gorgeous squad came back." Hennessy rolled her eyes as she glanced across the cafeteria at the vampires. "Now they're going to steal you away again."

Bella laughed and shook her dark brown curls. Her eyes half closed as threw an arm around Hennessy's shoulders.

"Henn, Alice asked me before school to make sure you sit with us at lunch. They want to be your friend so nobody is stealing anyone! Unless there's a boy?"

"Boys suck I'm steering clear. You should follow my example," Hennessy said with a laugh. "In fact, blink twice if you want me to flip my shit and get you out of here?"

They both laughed as they made their way to the Cullen-Hale group.

"Hennessy!" Alice jumped up in a fluid movement and wrapped her arms around the younger girl. "I missed you."

Hennessy was filled with surprise that suddenly faded into acceptance at the greeting Alice offered. Truth be told she hadn't known any of the people around her that well and to be brought in like this was . . . odd. She hadn't even made any friends in the months that she'd been at the school. They all thought of her as the girl that had hung with Bella and "the creeps".

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