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For the next three months the only reminder to Hennessy that Alec ever existed were his daily text check in's. He would text her once in the morning at precisely 9:00am and would text her once in the evening at exactly 9:00pm. Every once in a while he would call just so she could hear his voice and he even sent a few letters. Hennessy was currently curled up reading one of his letters when he texted her.


Goodnight mi amor. Sleep well my bliss.

Alec had taken to calling her his bliss after her middle name. It was a sweet nickname just as his Italian terms of endearment were sweet. They both sent shivers down her spine and caused her to blush. It was amazing that even on a different continent he could cause her to blush.

Goodnight  my sweet boy! Sweet dreams ❤️

Hennessy sent the text and placed her phone on her bedside table. She knew he wouldn't send another text. He had made it clear he had a certain disdain for the small metal devices and texting in general. He was much more inclined to write her long love letters expressing his intent to see her again.

She had receives over a dozen letters in the time since he had left and she always made sure to write him back even if it wasn't as elegant as his words. She folded the two pieces of parchment together and placed them inside of the small box with the rest of his letters that she kept under her bed.

She longed for him to come back to her and each time she received one of his heartfelt letters her heart ached. She had never felt this way before, only being fifteen and never having had a serious relationship. She was scared of the feelings bubbling up inside of herself especially since they had only had one proper date, but somehow she knew that it was important for her to not let him go, regardless of the distance.

End of Act 1

Short fluff chapter before we get into the interesting things! Thank you to everyone for reading this story and if anyone has anything specific they would like to see just comment and it may give some inspiration!

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