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The Swans never did show up for dinner at seven. The chicken that Hennessy's mother had prepared went uneaten and the wine lost its chill.

"They might've hit traffic." Hennessy didn't believe her own words, but knew her mother needed the pathetic lie.

The older woman just shook her head. She wouldn't let it show, but she'd been excited for this dinner. For the first time since they'd arrived the pair had thought they'd make friends in this town, that wouldn't happen though.

"Go ahead and start Hennessy dear, you can have Sheriff Swan's wine if you want." Her mother's voice was dejected, but still warm - she'd been through worse.

Just as the pair were starting to dig in, the house phone started to ring. Hennessy reached it first due to her mother's mouth being full of chicken.

"Hello, Kolman residence, how can I help you this evening?" Hennessy asked, but was met with a voice that sounded on the brink of sobs.

"Hennessy, it's Charlie Swan," he paused for a second to take a deep breath, "I'm sorry we didn't call to cancel, but something came up."

Hennessy waited for him to elaborate and he did.

"I guess you wouldn't know Harry Clearwater, but he had a heart attack today. I came home from that and Bella was missing. I just - I forgot to call in the middle of it all," Charlie said and The girl could almost see the expression on his face. Sad and teary eyes with tugged-down lips. Tears of her own came to her eyes at the thought.

"I'm sorry, Chief Swan. Is there anything we can do to help? Maybe help find Bella?" Hennessy asked in a louder-than-required voice.

"No, she left a note and she'll be back soon."

"Alright, well I'll give her hell when she gets back for putting you through hell."

"You and me both, but as long as she's fine then . . ." he trailed off and they both stayed silent until he started up again. "I gotta go and help the Clearwaters, bye Hennessy."

The phone clicked off when she returned the farewell and then she slowly sank to the floor. The phone was still in her hands and she yearned to call Bella. They weren't close by any means, but something about the girl made her want to help. Or maybe that was just who she was by nature.

Soon after she pulled herself off the kitchen floor and had told her mom of the situation, she was fast asleep. No matter what the day had been like sleep always came for her. It was like a big black cloud that she would always welcome and always adore. The one thing in life that she could count on never leaving. It was an escape.


Alice stared up at Aro as he extended his hand to see the vision of Bella becoming a vampire. She knew that as soon as their hands touched he would see Alec's mate. He would see that beautifully human girl and then find a way to destroy her, or turn her into a vampire.

Nevertheless, she placed her hand in his. It killed a part of her undead heart to do so, knowing she would be changing this girl's life forever, but it was between Hennessy and Alice's family. Alice would always choose the coven that had become her family.

The visions played through her head. First the one of Bella becoming a vampire, which caused Aro to open his eyes.

"Mesmerizing! To see, what you have seen. Before it is happened." His voice was wander and almost a tad fearful, but that was something Alice was used to. Now she was just waiting for the words that would come next, the words that would seal Hennessy Bliss Kolman's fate forever.

Aro still hadn't let go of Alice's hand. She could feel the hard marble skin, cold as her own, and yet different as he gripped her hand tighter. The grip was tight enough to pull down the feeble walls that Alice had put up around the vision of the girl and the boy in shadows.

A girl with long silver hair walked side by side with shadows. Somewhere in the wisps of dark was the body of a boy. The girl reached out to the hand extending from the shadows and once they were joined, the raging darkness was calmed. All that was left was a pair of blood red eyes and one beating heart.

Alec looked into the eyes of his mate and began to whisper something that the vision couldn't decipher. The girl then blushed in the most human of ways before saying in a loud ringing voice,

"Alec Volturi I don't regret meeting you either"

Then a laugh came from the shadowy boy. It was deep and dark, like it was never meant to exist, and yet somehow it did, but only for this girl.

The vision slowly started to change. This time the girl looked to be a little older. Her hair was longer and seemed to shine brighter, but her brown eyes held tears.

"Alec, please don't leave me again." She said as she buried her head into his chest. "I can't do this without you."

Alec pulled away from the girl and wiped the tear that had fallen away with his finger. It was obvious that if he could he would be crying as well.

"Henn, it's not safe for you to be with me, not as a human and you won't become like me. I won't force you into this life, but I can't risk you getting hurt." He kissed the top of her head and then pressed his face into her neck, inhaling deeply. "You're the only person I'll every trust with my heart Hennessy Kolman. You're my bliss and if anything ever happened to you I wouldn't be able to go on. It's better this way."

"But I just got you back." Her voice was breaking and her tears were still falling.

Alec leaned down and kissed her deeply. It was a kiss that could only be shared between two people that were meant to never part.

"And if I were human or this was a thousand years ago, we would be together and no one would hurt you. This is the only way."

Black smoke clouded around them as they began kissing again and then the scene changed.

Now Hennessy was another year older. Her body was filled out, but her eyes still held that same youth from the last two years. The only difference was that they were slowly turning red.

Alec was screaming out as his vapor did everything to prevent the change that it could. He was mumbling to himself and cursing whoever had bitten her.

"No, no, no," he said to himself in a low panic. "She doesn't want this. It isn't her."

And finally, when she opened her eyes, with that blood red color, he said something a Volturi member would never say and mean.

"I'm sorry."

Alice opened her eyes and looked straight into Aro's own eyes. She then whipped her neck around to see if Edward had seen everything she just had. It was more than she'd ever been exposed to about the young couple and she wanted to make sure it wasn't just her imagination.

Edward nodded his head slightly, sharing the same fearful expression. Neither of them noticed how Aro had turned to stare at Alec.





Please :)

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