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Did you ever hear the story of the sun and the moon? The story in which he died every night just to let her breath. I found that story impractical and quite simply wrong. In my opinion, the moon was never thankful for the sun that forfeited his life in a continuous cycle. He would die and light her up but they were always kept worlds apart. I always thought that was the worst tragedy. Not Romeo and Juliet, not Orpheus and Eurydice, but the Sun and the Moon. They always just missed the other.

It never occurred to me that one day I'd play a part in that story. The only thing I wondered though: Was I the Sun or the Moon?


I never gave much thought to how I'd fall in love. There was even a point at which I never thought I'd find the elusive concept that so many chase, but that was once and this is now.

Despite all this, I did believe firmly in the idea of love. However, I never believed that my one great love would be a sad boy that only knew how to hurt. And I definitely didn't even entertain the notion that sad boys can love deeper than most happy men.

I was fifteen when I met him; he was, for all extensive purposes, seventeen. I was sixteen when I found him again: he was still seventeen. And finally, when I died for him, I was seventeen and so was he.

So I guess this is both a love story and a tragedy, one that started in Forks, Washington. After all, where else would an epic love story take place but a small town?

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