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My sweet Bliss,

By the time you're reading this, I will already be on my way to see you. Jane is booking the flight now and I'll in Port Angeles in a couple of days. Jane and I will be in town for about a week to spend your birthday with you. Don't tell anyone we're coming, not even Bella.

Always yours,

P.S. Be prepared Jane has no girls to talk to here and she has missed whatever "girl talk" is.

Hennessy smiled as she read the letter and immediately tried to call both of the twins. It went to voicemail meaning they were still on the plane. They were coming back for her. He was coming back for her. She wanted to tell her mom and Bella, but Alec had asked her not to and she wanted to keep his trust.

She had no clue when he would be in town or how they would see each other, but she knew he was coming and that was enough for her.


Alec walked into the hotel room that Caius had in Port Angeles. Usually, the King would have countless humans laying around the room, discarded after he had feasted up them in more ways than one. He was a big proponent of what Jane had called the "Fuck, Suck, and Duck" method.

So when Alec walked in and saw a clean looking room and the blonde-haired vampire staring at his phone, he knew something was different. Alec and Caius were somewhat close despite what many thought about them both being heartless. They had bonded over their mutual distaste for humans and their pleasure of torture and sadistic actions.

"What's happened to you?" Alec asked him with a huff. When they weren't in front of Aro propriety was not needed. They had a mutual understanding.

"Nothing." Caius' voice came out clipped and his eyes never left his phone. A phone that he had to have just gotten. Alec didn't recall the man having ever owned a cell phone.

"You have a phone," Alec said with the same level of nonchalance as Caius.

"Yes." Still those tight answers. Alec knew he would get nothing out of Caius while he was in the state he was in. He could only hope his friend would talk to him soon.

Caius was even more of a father figure to Jane and Alec than Aro had been. Aro was sadistic, yes, but not in the way Caius was. Caius understood the twins and their need for revenge. He had taken them under his wing and taught them everything he knew. It was what Alec had always wanted as a child.

Their relationship wasn't warm and fuzzy as Alec had noticed with Hennessy and her mother, but it was a mutual understanding. If either of them ever needed to talk or get away from the castle, it would only take a look. That look would have them both in the dungeons torturing some criminal until they could finally see through the anger.

That was another thing. Jane had channeled her anger into her gift. She was able to hurt people and hear their pain, but all Alec could do was scare people. Some times his smoke could kill, but it wasn't enough of a release.

Caius had no gift except his mind and his thirst for blood and cruelty. He was a dangerous person and he had seen that same glint in Alex's eyes. It was like Alec was the son Caius would never get to have.

"Very well," Alec said and then noticed Jane had appeared by his side. "We're going hunting before we see Hennessy tomorrow. Care to join?"

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