My voice will haunt you...

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Beep... Beep... Beep...  I hit the button and stand up, just wearing my old nightgown, and I stare in the mirror, still not believing what happened last night...

When I got home after the concert, the lights in the living room were on, and my sisters were sitting on the couch, just waiting for me to come in. "HOW WAS IT?" shouted Katie. "Is she amazing? Did you talk about your crush on her?" Emily was freaking out, hugging me. "It was amazing. She smells like coffee, gardenia and roses. And NO... I did not talk about my crush on her. I would have creeped her out. Even though... she gave me a peck on the lips!" I whispered the las part, and my sisters started to yell. Throwing pillows at me, and being dumb.
"SHUT UP!! STEVIE FUCKING NICKS GAVE YOU A PECK!!" I haven't thought about it until those words came out of their mouths.... and I started to cry. Stevie Nicks has kissed me, and I really felt something...
I took a shower, put some makeup on and went to school. My first hour teacher also loves Stevie, so when I went to tell her about the meeting she freaked out. "Did you sing to her? You have such a beautiful voice, I'm sure she would fall in love with it." Mrs. Jackson says and I burst into a laughter crisis... Would Stevie Nicks like my voice? Not at all.
The day slowly went by, and this random number kept calling me. I tried to avoid all the calls, but after I got home from school the same number called again, while I was listening to Silver Springs....
"Hello?? I don't wanna a car insurance. Have a great day!" I say annoyed about the calls.
"I'm glad you do not want a car insurance, Tifani. I tried calling you the whole day... it is Stevie's assistant, Karen." She said while laughing.
"Oh My!! Hey Karen, I am so sorry for being rude. I just did not know who was trying to call me the whole school day." I'm super embarrassed after being rude to her. "But, how are you?"
"It's okay honey... I should have know better. But after yesterday's concert, I thought you would not have gone to school. And I'm wonderful." She is such a sweetheart." Stevie asked me to call you. She wants you to go to dinner with her, tonight... she said she wants to know more about you." She said and kept waiting for an answer. " So, what do you think?"
" I- I- I will go have dinner with her for sure. Just text me the address and I will make sure I find a ride." I was shaking while holding the phone.
"A car will be in front of your house at 6:30pm, be ready. I'm also booking a hotel room for you. I do not think it's safe for you to come home late again, and tomorrow is Saturday, so if your parents allow you, you can spend the day with us." She sounded like she was used to call people as ask them this... I AM SHAKING ON THE FLOOR WHILE LISTENING TO IT.
"I will ask my parents, but I am sure they will allow me... The Queen of Rock and Roll does not invite me over that often, you know?" My inner me was beating my face now. Why I was sounding like a crazy one?
"I will let you get ready. I will see you tomorrow morning sweetie. Have fun!" She said and hang up, not waiting for an answer.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!! I AM GOING TO HAVE DINNER WITH STEVIE NICKS!" I yelled and started to dance and spin around. After my moment of trance, I decide to call my host mom to ask her about it.
"Hey mom!! How are you? So, I have something to ask you. You will never believe that, but I received a call from Stevie's assistant and she invited me for dinner! Can I go, pleaseeeee?" I ask, and just wait for her answer while bitting my lower lip.
" Are you sure, honey? I don't want you to get hurt." She says and started laughing. "Of course you can honey! Just make sure you come home this weekend still! Have fun!!" She said and hang up.

I am still daydreaming about my date night and I totally forget to get ready. I look at the clock and it's already 5:15pm, which means I have to run to take a shower.

At 6:30pm, I am ready and pacing back and forth around the living room. I have a backpack with a change of clothes, so I can feel fresh for tomorrow.
"I am leaving. Love you guys, see you Sunday." I slam the door and face the cold weather.
The drive to Ohio was good, and I was enjoying the m&m's and animal crackers that were displayed on the side, with coffee and green/peppermint tea. It looks like someone was doing some research about me. I looked around and found a card, with my name on the envelope.
" I hope you're enjoying the ride... I made sure that some of your favorite snacks were on hold, so you can really have fun while waiting.
   I am super excited to hear about your performances, and I hope you don't feel like I am being intrusive.
  Xoxo, Stevie Nicks."
  I was called ou of my trance when Roy, the driver called me  "Ms. Tifani, we are almost at the restaurant. You can leave your bag in here and I'll take it to your hotel room."
"Oh My Gosh!! I forgot my backpack. Shit, shit, shit. I am so dumb!" I started to freak out.
"You do not need to freak out. I will make sure Karen knows that. And by the way... you will just have to say that you have someone waiting for you in the reserved room." He said while giggled and parked the car.
"You're so nice... thank you Roy!"

THIS. RESTAURANT. IS. SO. FANCY! I think to myself  and keep walking in.
"May I help you with something ma'am?" A young girl asks me, and I just nod my head, still in shock with the restaurant's decorations.
"I have someone waiting for me in the reserved room." I say, and kind of feel out of place. I was not that fancy.
"I'll take you there. Your date is not here yet. Just let me know if you need anything." She said and showed me the table, in a reserved part of the restaurant. "I love your dress!"  She said and left the area.
I was so self confident that I automatically went and checked on my dress.

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