Chapter 11: Learning about love through a dating sim game

Start from the beginning

Goddammit, he's such a fucking loser.

"Hey, I got a really good dating sim game where you can try to learn about love and how to make someone fall for you. Do you wanna try it? I think it would be a good practice for you, Bakugou." Kaminari suggested.

Katsuki narrowed his gaze on Kaminari. Why didn't he thought about that before? Dating sim games are all about making someone fall for you so it's a game where he can learn many important points from. For an idiot, Kaminari sure comes up with a good idea.

"...I shall insult you lesser next time." Katsuki said.

"Can't you say 'thank you' instead?!" Kaminari cried.

"By the way, which dating sim games are you going to lend Bakugou?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh, the one that I'm going to lend Bakugou is a school life setting. One of the heroines looks like Miya so I thought that it would be a good choice for him. However, that game can be..." Kaminari trailed off and check his surrounding to ensure that they are the only one in the living room. People might walk in on them so he wanted to prevent that from happening. After making sure that there are nobody else around, Kaminari finished his sentence by whispering the last part. "...Really erotic."

Both Kirishima and Katsuki wanted to ask Kaminari why he has such games. But they quickly got an answer to that question when they recalled that Kaminari was best friends with a certain perverted grape head.


Todoroki's house is freaking huge.

There's all Izuku can say about it when he saw it with his own eyes. Due to the 'air' around Todoroki, Izuku guessed that his house is probably going to be eye opening but... a Japanese traditional house is something that he wasn't expecting to see.

After Todoroki greeted him at the front door and lead him inside, Izuku was stunned to see how clean everything is, ever corner is spotless and free of dust. It could be his eyes playing tricks on him but Izuku can swear that everywhere seems to be glittering and sparkling. Izuku hope that he's not spending too much time on manga that he's starting to see the sparkling screentones that was often used in shoujo manga in real life.

When they passed by one of the rooms that has its door unclosed, Izuku was stunned to see a woman apologizing on the phone while crying as she tried to draw at her fastest speed.

"I'm really sorry! I'll get it done soon so please give me a few more hours!" she cried.

Standing at the door while watching the poor woman, Izuku whispered softly. "T-Todoroki-kun, that person is...?"

"Oh, that's my older sister. Just like me, she's also a mangaka." Todoroki replied.

"A mangaka? So she's rushing for the deadline right now?"

"Yeah, her assistant will be coming over later so she'll be fine."

"Can't you help her until her assistant arrival?"

"No, I can't. Because the manga she draws is an erotic manga."

"What?! E-Erotic manga?!" Izuku exclaimed, eyes wide in shock. Did he heard that right? Todoroki's sister draws erotic manga?! How and why??

"She was aiming for a pure and normal shoujo manga at first. But her editor told her things like 'you're not showing enough skin', 'make the characters do this sexy pose' and 'make them do 'it' in the office'. By the time she realized that she was drawing an ecchi manga, it was already too late for her." Todoroki explained calmly.

"Realized it before you draw it, Todoroki's sister!!" Izuku mentally retorted.

Following Todoroki into his room, the first thing Izuku saw is a table with a half-way finished manga chapter scatter around on top of it. Is Todoroki in the middle of his work? Is it really alright for Izuku to come over like this? Wouldn't he get in the way?

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