Chapter 8: A wild Pik*chu appeared! (Part 1)

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It was a disaster.

That's all Kirishima has to say as he watches how Izuku struggle to get free from the deadly headlock that Katsuki has trapped him in.



What caused this to happen? Well, let's just say that Izuku lose control and did something that made Katsuki really angry.

Kirishima shifted his gaze to the mess that was created by Izuku with a weary look. The pages for the next month chapter has scattered across the floor, along with their precious manga tools. A bottle of ink has dropped on the floor as well and stained some of the papers. In the center of Katsuki's room, is a table that was broken into half and underneath it is a tiny black creature with its body cover in mosaic.

...May the dead cockroach rest in peace.

A few minuets ago, they are working on the new chapter when suddenly, a cockroach flew into their room and landed on their table. Izuku freaked out and tried to get rid of it, resulting in punching the insect and breaking the table into half. Because of this, Kirishima quickly learned one thing about Izuku.

This cinnamon roll is dangerous.

That aside, it's a good thing that Katsuki's parents is still on their holiday. If not, Kirishima wasn't sure how his parents will react if they were to saw this mess. Getting a new table isn't a problem. The main problem for them right now is that they will need to redraw some of the pages and honestly, Kirishima wasn't sure if they can make it in time for the deadline.

"Looks like we'll have to sacrifice some of our lunch time in school tomorrow." Kirishima said, fully aware that Katsuki and Izuku is too 'busy' at the moment to hear him.


The next day in school...

Whenever the new chapter of Lost Paradise was released, Kaminari would always bring the magazine with him and show it to Kirishima in class. They would talked about it excitedly, sharing their thoughts and comments about the chapter. However, this time Kirishima gives a comment that Kaminari didn't foresee.

"Even though it was slightly rushed, I think the background in this panel can be drawn better." Kirishima said.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Where are you looking at?" Kaminari sweat dropped.

When Kaminari flipped over to the next page that reveal the new enemy, Kirishima suddenly make another weird comment. "Hm... I'm kind of unsatisfied with the background here, it didn't bring out Kaito's manliest and Miya's charm fully."

"Kirishima, enough with the background already. What's with your sudden observation about the background?"

"Ah! Sorry about that! It's a habit that I developed from my working place." Kirishima smiled sheepishly.

"What kind of work have you been doing that it causes you to have such habit?" Kaminari retorted inside his mind.

Spotting Katsuki and Izuku entering the classroom, Kirishima immediately reach for his bag and took out a black bottle, waving at the duo as he ran over to their side. "Morning Bakugou! Midoriya!"

"Good morning, Kirishima-kun." Izuku greeted back with a small smile.

Watching from the side, Kaminari was watching them like a hawk while listening to their conversion.

Lately, something has been bugging Kaminari whenever he spotted Kirishima together with Katsuki and Izuku. It just feels strange for him. Out of the sudden, they started to hang out like they are best friend. Even though Kaminari has warned Kirishima about how shady those two are, he still got himself involved with them.

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