Chapter 3: This is a curse!

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A/N: I need to stop feeling insecure every time I update my stories... Orz


The art lesson that Izuku has been waiting for is finally here. Their teacher randomly pair them up with someone and told them draw each other. And for Izuku to pair up with Katsuki of all people... he doesn't know if he should call this a god's blessing or a devil's torture. Since they are sitting while facing each other, this is a perfect chance for Izuku to stare at Katsuki for as long as he want!

Looking up from his sketchbook, Izuku eyed his childhood friend who is currently busy with his drawing. As expected of Katsuki, for him to be able to draw without the need to look at the actual person is kind of amazing. Although Izuku can also do the same, he can only do it if it's someone or something that he has been drawing for a very long time, long enough for his hands to remember it. And since this is the first time for him to draw Katsuki, he'd need to look at him but...

There's absolutely no way that Izuku can bring himself to stare at Katsuki's face as he draws him! He'll get distracted by that handsome face and he won't be able to get his work done! Even if he manage to get it done, he has a feeling that Katsuki will yell at him saying, 'stupid Deku! How long have you been my assistance?! Does my face look like this?!'

It's not that Izuku's bad at drawing, it's just that Katsuki can be very picky about the details. But right now, drawing his crush is a rather difficult task for him. Is there any way that he can draw without the need to look at Katsuki? At this rate, he won't be able to use his remaining time to look at other people's drawing and seek out the new assistant.

...Wait a minute, there IS a way. Since Kaito's looks is also based on Katsuki, Izuku can tell himself that he's drawing the protagonist from Lost Paradise. This way, there won't be any need for him to stare at Katsuki. Now that Izuku has found a solution to this 'problem', he can finally start drawing!


Meanwhile, on the other hand...

"Fuck..." Katsuki growled under his breath and face palmed, unable to bring himself to finish his work. Due to his working habit, he ended up drawing Izuku as his heroin without even realizing it. By the time he noticed his mistake, he was already halfway done...

He'll need to redo it.

Turning over to a brand new page, Katsuki started sketching with a frown. All he got to do is to draw the shitty nerd, as simple as that! He's a professional mangaka and he can get this shitty work done in no time. And as a professional mangaka, he won't screw up by making the same fucking mistake!

As Katsuki is drawing, he noticed that there's something wrong with his hand movement and stopped. He blinked, staring at his incomplete drawing. When he realized what he has done, he wanted to flip a fucking table across the room!

Instead of Izuku, Katsuki has drawn him as Miya for a second time! Even though Katsuki told himself that he won't make the same fucking mistake, he fucking did it again! Goddammit, working habits don't die without putting up a fight! And also, why is Miya in their school uniform?!

"Maybe this is what Deku will look like if he is wearing the girl's uniform."

Fucking piece of shit! Why is his brain telling him all those unnecessary things?! This is going to distract him!!

Ripping the paper out and crushing it into a ball, Katsuki toss it at a random direction and earned a yelp from the Pikachu (A.K.A Kaminari). Ignoring whatever shit that Kaminari is shouting at him, Katsuki grumbled as he went back to drawing, only to stop halfway again when he noticed that he was drawing Miya again...

Love isn't as easy as making Manga! (BakuDeku)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu