Chapter 16: Fuck you and fuck my life!

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A/N: After this chapter, you will probably be screaming at your phone, computer, or Kaminari.


Sketching the characters out aggressively without tearing the paper actually need a lot of skills and practice. This is something that Katsuki have mastered long ago but now, he have lost count of how many times he almost tear the poor papers into half. And the main reason why he's like this is all because of Izuku!

Katsuki knew that Izuku was clearly lying when he said that he has something he need to do. That damn nerd has always been horrible at lying and does he honestly think that he can fool him with that? Izuku has been acting weird today and Katsuki's dying to find out the cause behind it.

"Calm yourself down, Bakugou. You're going to tear the papers into half if you keep this up." Kirishima said.

"We know that you're upset that you didn't get to receive any chocolate from Midoriya but you don't have to take your anger on those innocent papers and manga tools." Kaminari added.


"Yeah, that's the biggest lie ever. We all know that the one and only chocolate you want to receive is from Midoriya." Kaminari said, picking up one of the half-finish papers that manage to escape from Katsuki's wrath in piece.

On the paper is a drawing of the two new characters that appear in the previous arc. And based on what Kirishima told him, the manly one named 'Enya' is based on him while the other character called 'Shun' is based on Todoroki. It would be great if this two new characters can survive until the end of the manga... unlike the character that's based on Kaminari himself...

"Come to think of it, who is the one that did the naming for the characters? It couldn't be Bakugou right?" Kaminari asked.

"Ah, it was Midoriya who did all the naming." Kirishima replied.

"I guess that's to be expected. Since Bakugou isn't the type that can come out with proper names."

"What is that supposed to mean, you fucking shitty face?! I'll have you know that I'm the one who named my heroine!!"

"We have already guessed that, Bakugou..." both Kaminari and Kirishima thought. Since Miya is based on Izuku, of course Katsuki would choose a name that's similar to Izuku's real name. It really is a real wonder to how Izuku still haven't figure out that he is Miya's model even with all the obvious hints lying here and there.

"Aside from Miya, what are the other characters that you have named?" Kirishima asked, only to receive a silent reply in return. And that's more than enough to give him the answer he need. "...So you only named Miya huh..."

"Shut up! It's all because of Deku! He keeps arguing with me whenever it comes to naming the characters!"

Kaminari and Kirishima turn around to look at each other, silently communicating with their eyes alone for a few seconds before turning their gaze back to Katsuki. It would seems both of them have the same thoughts and honestly, they are not really sure if they want to hear the list of... 'Weird' names that only Katsuki is capable of coming up with.

"By the way, what is the original name that you planned to use for your protagonist?" Kirishima asked.

"King Explosion Murder." Katsuki replied as if it was the most normal thing to say.

Being the 'somewhat' straight man of the group, Kaminari immediately shot out a retort. "That's not a name!"

At this moment, Kirishima is really thankful for Izuku and everything he has done for the sake of the wonderful shounen manga and the fans. If it wasn't for Izuku, Katsuki is probably going to name the series and the characters with kanji that contain words like 'kill', 'murder', 'die', 'bastard', 'death' and more 'deaths'.

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