Chapter 41: King's Game

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A/N: There's three important announcements I want to make.

One, the smut chapter will happen soon. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Two, chapter 45 will be the last chapter of this story so yeah, a huge thank you to those who has been reading this story.

(⬇️The third announcement is at the end of this chapter⬇️)


Kaminari was so done with them.

Wearing a blank look on his face, Kaminari stares at his classmates (and crush) as he stand at doorway like some kind of a loner that has been left out of the fun. The others are currently busy looking around the room. Kirishima was taking photos of the room while Izuku is muttering to himself while doing a quick sketch of various items in this room. As for Katsuki, he's staring at the expensive teacups on the table.

Can these idiots stop thinking about work for once? Have they forgotten the reason why they came here?

"Is there something wrong?"

Kaminari jumped when he heard Yaoyorozu's voice. Turning around, he saw Yaoyorozu, Ashido and Todoroki standing behind him. And in Yaoyorozu's hand, is a small box that contains seven sticks.

That's right, they are here to play the King Game.

How did it happened? Let's just say that it was Kaminari's own desire that brought him here. As for Katsuki and Izuku... it's their workaholic curse.



Izuku smiled as he stare at the puffer fish phone strap that's hanging from Katsuki's bag while the blond is eating his bento. For some reason, the canteen was full of students today so everyone decided to eat in the classroom instead.

With their tables joined together, the shounen mangaka and his three assistants is currently discussing about Lost Paradise while they are eating.

"Hey Bakugou, what are your planning to draw for the next chapter? You usually draw one or two chapters for the readers to 'catch their breath' before moving on to the next Arc right?" Kirishima asked.

"I've already planned the next six Arcs, what I want is ideas for me to draw after that fucking six long Arcs." Katsuki replied.

Kirishima almost chock on his food when he heard that. "You already thought that far?! Man, you really are something!!"

Then, Izuku noticed that something was off. He eyed Kaminari, who is sitting beside him, with a worrying look. For the entire time, Kaminari hasn't said a single word, he just stare at his lunch while eating very slowly. Izuku saw how Kaminari fall asleep in the class and even now, he look like he's about to fall asleep and facepalm into his bento.

"Are you alright, Kaminari-kun? The eye bags under your eyes has gotten worse than before." Izuku whispered.

"...I was editing photos last night." Kaminari said.


Kaminari look around him to make sure that there's nobody around to listen to his and Izuku's conversion. There are other students around but nobody has their attention on them. Then he glance at Katsuki and Kirishima, who is talking about the manga very seriously... yeah, Kirishima has been badly poisoned by Katsuki and is now on the way to become another guy who is super hardcore about his work.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, Kaminari unlock it and show it to Izuku while he cover his face with one hand to hide his blushing face.

Izuku gasped when he saw that Kaminari has changed his phone's wallpaper to a photo of Kirishima.

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