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"SEOYEON!" Ms. Park called out to me from her office.

"Yes ma'am?" I scrambled out of my chair and into the doorway, folding my hands behind my back as I waited for her command.

"You're dismissed for the day, pick up my dry cleaning, and remember my nephew will be here tomorrow," she glanced at me over her glasses, her stare hard and unforgiving.

"Of course," I replied, rushing over to the coat rack to grab my jacket.

I felt a shiver go down my spine, that woman never failed to instill fear in anyone who crossed her path, including me.

As I got into the elevator and descended down to the parking garage, I couldn't help but wonder what her nephew would be like.

All I knew about him was his name, Park Jimin.

Was he young?

Or perhaps older than I?

Did he happen to inherit his aunt's undeniable ability to instill terror in everyone?

My thoughts were cut short by the elevator dinging and the doors sliding open.

Hopping into my car, I felt the heater blasting in my face, the warmth spreading throughout the cabin.

It didn't take me long to reach the dry cleaners, as Taeyeon insists everything important be within a five mile radius for efficiency.

Quickly running from my car and into the shop to avoid the chilly wind, I welcomed the warm and sweetly scented atmosphere of the dry cleaners.

"Seoyeon! Is that you?" A voice called from behind the counter.

"Hey Mr. Chwe," I greeted the shop owner with a smile, we'd become good friends due to my frequent visits here.

Mr. Chwe grinned at me, his old eyes crinkling at the corners.

"So how's the she-devil?" He joked.

"Oh Taeyeon?" I laughed with him, "demanding, but what else is new?"

He chuckled before reaching for three hangers on a rack.

"I made sure to iron them twice for you," he winked, "no charge, just keep working hard."

"Thank you so much Mr. Chwe!" I called to him as I left the store.

Mr. Chwe had become something close to a father figure for me, seeing as my real one was miles away in Busan.

I dropped Taeyeon's dry cleaning off at her house and made sure her dogs were fed before driving home for the night.


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