The Bouquet

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A/N:Here it is.The final chapter of this fanfic.I just wanted to say that I'm great full for everyone who supported me and this fanfic.Special thanks to my best friend WolfyTheKawaiiWolf Please be sure to check the video above the title.Enjoy!

Kara's POV

It was the morning of North's wedding,and we were all helping her get ready.She chose a dress that looked very similar to Anastasia's wedding dress from Fifty Shades Freed.

Lori and Monika put the long vail on North's hair,Isabelle did her makeup,and I did a braid on her hair to turn into a bun

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Lori and Monika put the long vail on North's hair,Isabelle did her makeup,and I did a braid on her hair to turn into a bun.North chose a mint green dress for me and the bridesmaids to wear.

North chose a mint green dress for me and the bridesmaids to wear

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And since Alice was the flower girl,she wore a white dress too.

We were all ready,so we drove to altar

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We were all ready,so we drove to altar.

(Time Skip)

We arrived at the wedding and walked in.First, came Alice who threw red and white rose petals as she walked down the aisle.Next,came me and Connor.

Connor:You look stunning.

He whispered.


I blushed as I whispered back to him.

Connor stood next to Markus,and I stood on the opposite side.Then,came Lori and Simon, Monika and Josh,and Isabelle and Nathan. Markus started getting a bit shaky and nervous because he didn't see North coming,but Connor was able to calm him down.Finally,
came North,she walked slowly and stood in front of Markus.I held her bouquet so she could hold her lovers hands.

Priest:Do you Markus,take North to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Markus:I do.

Priest:And do you North,take Markus to be your lawfully wedded husband?

North:I do.

Priest:The rings.

I gave North one of the rings,and Connor gave Markus the other.

Markus:North,I vow to love you faithfully.I promise to comfort you in times of need,and keep you safe.All that I have is now yours.I give you my hand and my heart,for as long as we're together.

He put the ring on her finger.

North:Markus,I vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health,in depression and in joy.I promise to love you unconditionally,support,believe,and bring you happiness in times of need,all the time we spend together.

She put the other ring on his finger.

Priest:With the power vested in me,I know pronounce you husband and wife.You may kiss the bride.

Markus lifted the vail over North's head and kissed her.Everyone clapped and cheered.I looked over at Connor and smiled at him.We all went to the party and danced for a little while.After a bit, they took out the cake.

North and Markus sliced the cake and people started making toasts

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North and Markus sliced the cake and people started making toasts.As a gift,I got North and Markus a bottle of champagne.Connor and I clinked glasses of wine after the speech he made.He went to talk to Markus and I just stood nearby.



Lori:C-Can I ask you something?

Kara:Sure,what is it?

Lori:How did you get Connor to-love you?


Lori:N-Never mind,forget I ever asked.

It then all became clear...

Kara:Does this have something to do with Simon?

Lori:W-What?! N-No,of course not! What makes you think that?!

She blushed and panicked.I put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her,because I knew what was going on.It was so obvious.


Kara:Lori,you should tell him how you feel.

Lori:But what if he rejects me? It'll scar me for life...

Kara:He won't,trust me.


She took a deep breath and walked up to Simon.I'm supposing Simon accepted Lori's feelings for him,because when I saw her,she looked as bright and happy as the sun.It was almost time for the bride to throw the bouquet so all the girls gathered around her.I didn't want to catch it but Isabelle insisted that I should.North counted to 3 and threw the bouquet,but purposely threw it at me.I was so shocked.I then looked at Connor who was blushing just as much as I was.

Kara:Look,I caught the bouquet...

Connor:I know,I saw...

I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him looking into his eyes.It's like the two of us were...

                ...ACCIDENTALLY IN LOVE...

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