The Eyes

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A/N:Here's the second part as promised.Its longer than the last one because I thought it didn't include much details.Enjoy!

Connor's POV

Hank and I arrived at the scene where the AX-400 was last seen.I scanned the area to find places where it could've hidden.I saw an abandoned house,maybe it didn't go far.I saw blue blood on the fence and analyzed it.It belonged to the AX-400,so it was here confirmed.I went inside and saw the female deviant run out of the house with the little girl.I had to go after them.I ran up to them,and from a distance saw female deviant push the child over the fence. I slammed my hands against the fence,causing the AX-400 to turn around,and we locked eyes.She was just as beautiful as I imagined.We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds,but it felt like eternities.She looked behind me,and an officer was about to shoot her,but I had to stop him.

Connor:Don't shoot we need it alive!

As Hank started running towards me,the AX-400 started running away.

Kara's POV

As I heard the fence slam,I turned around,and my eyes stared into the brown eyes that stared back.It was as if time itself had suddenly stopped.I felt as if I stared at him any longer my circuits would explode.It was difficult to rip my eyes way.I felt a new feeling I never felt before,but had no idea what it was. I came back to reality,and saw a cop pointing a gun at me.We both slid down a hill,I took Alice by the hand,and we started crossing the highway.The deviant hunter ran after us,grabbed my arm,and started pulling me.I tried to pry his hand off,but it was no use,he was way stronger than me.I slipped and felt a sharp pain on my chest,I ignored it and got back up.Alice and I made it to the other side,but the android followed us.He fell and a car was about to hit him,but I couldn't let that happen.I went back into the highway and carefully picked him up.I shoved him to the ground,but he quickly got up. I stood in front of Alice and pulled out my gun,aiming it at him.

Kara:Touch me and I'll kill you.

He stepped back looking frightened.

Connor:I'm not going to hurt you.

I started lowering my gun and put it away.

Connor's POV

The female deviant pointed a gun at me and I stepped back.When I told her I wouldn't hurt her,she lowered the gun,putting it away.Hank ran up to me,and stopped to catch his breath.I didn't know what to do,so I put handcuffs on the AX-400.The little girl started crying which made me feel bad.

Alice:Please let Kara go,she wasn't trying to hurt me,she saved me!

The little girl tried to pull the AX-400 away from me,and started crying even more.

Kara:Do whatever you want to me,but please don't hurt her!

I didn't know what to do or say,so I looked at Hank.He was just staring at the little girl.

Hank:Connor,wait,maybe you should give them a chance.

Connor:But Lt.,she's a deviant.

I was confused because I thought Hank hated androids,but I had to agree because AX-400 saved me.I took the handcuffs off of the female deviant.

Connor:Okay,but we will never see each other after all this is over.Deal?


Connor:My name is Connor,what's yours?

Kara:My name is Kara.

Not only was she beautiful,but she had a marvelous name.

Kara:This is Alice.Say hi Alice.


The shy girl hid behind Kara.

Connor:This is Lt. Hank Anderson.

As we greeted each other,Hank led us to his car,and we got inside.Alice sat in the front seat, and I sat in the back with Kara.She rested her head on my shoulder,and I rested my head on top of hers.I felt nervous but it also felt nice.The car filled with silence.

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